Displaying 1 - 36 of 726 results



Design For Good – feat. Ethical Angel

This is our chat with Alexander Fahie, CEO & Founder at Ethical Angel as part of ‘Design For Good’. Ethical Angel’s technology makes it easy and rewarding to give employees experiences for development and positive impact. The...

Posted by: ADLIB


The future of Product Design is ethical

One day, robots will inherit the earth. As machine learning and artificial intelligence make bigger leaps forward year on year, product design, UI and UX do so as well, by leveraging the power of machine intelligence to solve the world’s most...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Seymourpowell design the world's most ethical smartphone

It's a constant 24 month cycle we've all become sadly accustomed with. The semi-ritualistic shedding of one smartphone for another as our contracts expire and we look to the newest handsets on the market for our next technological fix. The Dutch...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How ethical is your wardrobe?

You can hardly move in an inch in a shop these days without being confronted with fair trade this and that and an ending array of ethical options for your every consumer need. Once an option for dreadlocked hippies and mother earth types, ethical...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Are creative people more likely to lie and cheat?

by John Fountain A few years back a copywriter, who shall remain nameless, took it upon himself to take a piece of my work and put it on his website. He claimed that he had a right to do this because he was involved in the creative process, although...

Posted by: Creativepool


Negotiating Better Rates for Creative Work #MoneyMonth

Negotiating rates for creative work is a fine art that’s been complicated even further in recent years by AI. Securing fair compensation goes beyond just balancing the books though. It’s about recognising the worth of your craft and...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The Overwhelming Impact of Automation on Creative Careers #MoneyMonth

The creative industry is no longer just about raw talent and inspiration; in the last 12 months it’s been forced to pivot wildly and transform into something of a complex interplay of human ingenuity and artificial intelligence. Right now,...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Understanding AI Washing and Its Impact on Creativity #PurposeMonth

Over the last 12 months, it wouldn’t necessarily be hyperbolic to suggest that AI has become embedded into almost every facet of our lives. For me, specifically, it’s completely changed not only how I work but who I work for, and I have...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Are female board members more guilty of greenwashing?

With 72% of brands stating that one of their biggest fears is to be accused of greenwashing, Bec Peel looks at its impact on brands and how they can communicate sustainability issues with clarity. I’ve read a few reports recently on the...

Posted by: Continuous


The Brands Pushing Back Against Fast Fashion #SustainabilityMonth

Fashion has always been anathema to me. You could diplomatically refer to my wardrobe as “functional” and I’m unlikely to spend more than a few fleeting seconds deciding what to wear in the morning. I do, however, understand the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Regenerating London’s Commercial Quarter #BehindTheBrand

This week, we spoke to longtime Creativepool friend and SomeOne Founder Simon Manchipp, to discuss his agency’s visual identity for a bold new regenerative programme in London. What was the brief? Create a new comprehensive visual and verbal...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Sustainable Packaging: How to Do It Right #SustainabilityMonth

How we package our goods and services is more important than you might think. The packaging, aside from serving the practical purpose of protecting the goods inside, is the first opportunity we have to get an idea of the brand. It’s an...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How Generative AI is Changing Our Industry and Our Society

Beyond the fledgling capabilities of ChatGPT, Generative AI is rewriting the rulebook. One person who knows that more than perhaps anyone else is tech influencer Bernard Marr, whose latest book, Generative AI in Practice, outlines the profound and...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How to Become a B Corp in 2024: A Complete Guide #SustainabilityMonth

In the ever-connected world of 2024, brands don’t have the luxury of secrecy. If there’s one thing the digital revolution has thrust upon the world without compromise, it’s the need to complete and perpetual transparency and that...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The Taylor Swift AI Scandal and the Bleak Implications of Deepfakes

Of all the fresh horrors wrought by AI in recent years, few chill the blood quite like the concept of the ‘deepfake’. If the term still means nothing to you then allow me to ruin your day - in essence, it’s the concept of creating...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The potential of stem cell therapy for adults with autism

Autism sресtrum ԁisorԁеr (ASD) а multifасeteԁ neuroԁeveloрmentаl сonԁition thаt is сhаrасterizeԁ by severаl еlеmеnts, inсluԁing mooԁ сhаnges, imраirеԁ soсiаl intеrасtions, аnԁ lеаrning ԁisаbilitiеs....

Posted by: Creativepool Partner


What Will Adland Look Like in 6 Months? #PredictionsMonth

The world of advertising has always stood on unstable ground, such is always evolving nature of the creative landscape. However, this year promises to be a particularly lively one, as the dynamics of technology, culture, and economics start to...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The Top 10 AI Trends of 2024 #PredictionsMonth

The exponential rise of AI is well and truly underway and there isn’t a tide big enough to stop it at this point. Rather than wax lyrical on the inevitability of my own career being forfeit, however, I’m choosing to live with the machine,...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The existential horror of virtual influencers #PredictionsMonth

If you thought the bog-standard former Love Island contestants and overly enthusiastic gamers that make up so much of the influencer space were bad, you ain’t seen nothing yet. This year, with AI entrenched in our culture in a way that would...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Should brands be giving freebies to influencers? #PredictionsMonth

Depending on who you ask, influencers are either a blight on the media landscape or the “most organic and transparent way to bring new audiences to your brand”. I, as ever, fall somewhere in the middle. I appreciate the appeal of somebody...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Are agencies ready for true AI disruption in 2024? #PredictionsMonth

What better way to celebrate the “most depressing day of the year” than by pontificating over the collective demise of the creative industries? I jest, of course, but there is a surprising amount of doom mongers out there who would have...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The importance of curating AI generated content

In an era of pervasive machine learning, Generative AI has captured public fascination with accessible tools like Stable Diffusion and Chat GPT, enabling users to effortlessly craft realistic creative content. However, these tools can also...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How will 2023 be remembered by creatives? #YearInReview

2023 will hardly be remembered as a banner year for may of us as the cost-of-living crisis started digging deeper and the political spectrum on both sides of the atlantic started to devolve into a cynical and hateful mess. For creatives from all...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Is the ‘Dumb Money’ movement really so dumb?

In early 2021, millions of ordinary people across the US started buying shares in the declining video game store GameStop - investing tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. Their investments were ridiculed by financial experts, but the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Social Media Trends of 2023 and 2024 #YearInReview

While much of the online discourse this year has surrounded the rise of AI and its increasing relevance, social media remains the engine that keeps the fires of the internet burning. Of course, AI will shape the future of social media but how and why...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The fake agency pitching for the world’s largest oil and gas company

“Fake it until you make it” is a common adage in the creative industries but never before has it rang so true as with the spoof ad agency created to satirise the notoriously amoral oil and gas company Saudi Aramco. Climate collective...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Are brands wasting money on ‘annoying’ digital ads?

In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital marketing, a new study by Picnic, in collaboration with YouGov, has brought to light a critical aspect often overlooked in advertising strategies: the user experience. This research, encompassing a broad...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The important role of creatives in a post-truth world

Post-truth is, when taken on its own terms, is a pretty terrifying concept. Without the truth, the objective becomes subjective, and facts can be acknowledged or ignored based on personal bias. What you’re left with is the cultural and...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Making Brands Beautiful – A #CreativeCaseStudy on M&S Farm to Foodhall

Nate Camponi, a Director at Chief TV, made a series of beautiful short films for M&S with celebrity chef Tom Kerridge earlier this year. In this piece, Nate explores how to tell big corporate stories in a more digestible way and what you can do from...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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