Displaying 1 - 36 of 2069 results



How Dynamic Advertising can help fight ad fatigue

Context, context, context. As the cookieless future approaches, we will hear more about context and contextual advertising, be it location-based or else. In an ever-shifting brandscape triggered by the pandemic, the need for increased...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


News to me - What does the news really need to look like anyway?

In ‘hold the front page’ news, the pundits on BBC Radio 4 offered that the race to choose this country’s next leader might well be decided by an electorate whose primary source of news - and so opinion - is still newspapers. That...

Posted by: Richard

Inside the life of a NBC News Producer – #MemberSpotlight

From Tokyo to London and a career in journalism, you can tell that Simeon Paterson has travelled far and wide. Perhaps that's even where his passion for journalism comes from - and we wouldn't be surprised. Journalism is an art, and it can be a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Apple bites into TV, gaming and news subscription space

Global tech giant Apple has announced further plans for its original video subscription service that will launch later this year along with details of a new gaming platform and news media service. Screen time Apple TV+ will give users access to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


International Women’s Day 2019: News brief

Wunderman launches Fund Female initiative Wunderman UK is launching a new initiative called Fund Female, encouraging its employees to consciously support female-owned businesses. Starting today and running for a week, staff will take up the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


April Fools 2017: The Best Fake News

April Fools Day is an event that's perfect for modern media, given the potential for wide reaching mayhem and confusion. With the world currently a place where the unbelievable and the borderline satirical appears to hit the headlines on a daily...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Tesco and Rothco break pregnancy news on TV for Christmas spot

In the latest phase of and Rothco's Christmas campaign for Tesco Ireland, “Here’s to the Hosts,” the brand broadcasted the biggest surprise yet from Dubliner, Suzin. On Monday this week (November 21), young mum, Suzin, broke the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Be the first to know with Creativepool Daily News & Inspiration

Find Enlightenment. Each one of us is different, which is why customisation and personalisation have been at the forefront of our minds. Starting on Monday 17th of July, you will be receiving a new innovative weekly email. The Lastest News &...

Posted by: Creativepool


The refugee crisis story on NBC news

The Londoner was working in central Afghanistan when he stepped on a landmine and lost both legs and an arm five years ago. He has endured more than 30 operations since then. "I understand what it is to suffer from war," the 44-year-old said as he...

Posted by: Giles Duley


Hacker News: 3D Printed Tattoos

French design company Appropriate Audiences have hacked a 3D printer and combined it with a tattooists' needle to create a unique “Tattoo Printer,” which might take a lot of the guesswork (and some would say artistry) out of future visits...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Teenagers are bored with Facebook. But why is that such bad news?

MySpace is an astonishing use of new technology, which links people to one another, and allows them to share news, views, photos and comments. It is extraordinarily popular, particularly with younger people, and is growing every day. This makes it...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Why the news is always bad.

Earlier this year, Jeremy Paxman suggested some editions of Newsnight should simply inform the viewing audience there was nothing much to talk about, before rolling the closing credits. Knowing Paxo, he was probably just being provocative, or even...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Opinions - Carr trouble. Why bad news needn't be taxing.

by Magnus Shaw Jimmy Carr is recording an episode of the sweary panel show 'Eight Out Of Ten Cats' tonight. A week ago, that news would be no more intriguing than discovering your train has a filthy lavatory. But a week is a long time in a troubled...

Posted by: Creativepool


Jinx's Magnificent 7 Creative Tips

By Jinx Jeffery, Dynamic News Alliances 1. Keep on top of all of the latest software! As a creative this is where your ideas are realised right down to the last file in production. CS5 was out in June and still it hasn't been adopted by many studios...

Posted by: Creativepool


Top Hires of the Week

CHI&Partners Joining CHI&Partners this week are the talented creative team of Jo Griffin and Tom Dixon, who are coming to the agency after three years at rival London shop WCRS. As the team responsible for the multi-award winning campaign...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Creative Trends That Will Dominate 2024 #YearInReview

We’ve already looked back at the year that was 2023 and what a year it was. But what kind of magazine would we be if we didn’t also cast our sights on the next 12 months? Of course, there are a few trends you can expect to see pop up...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


#CompanySpotlight on Flying Duck Studio Lab

Flying Duck Studio Lab is an ethical and inclusive creative studio whose goal is to share positive and inspiring story-telling by bringing top-notch productions to the world and working towards changing the industry for the better. They specialise...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Top 5 most exciting rebrands of the 21st century

A rebrand is an excuse for a company to shed its skin and reinvent itself in the eyes of the general public. It can be subtle or it can be transformative. They can also be a risky business. Think the recent rebranding of delivery firm Hermes as Evri....

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The next frontier - The rise of NFTs in retail

Great news: according to The Collins Dictionary, NFT was the word of 2021, which means there now exists a go-to way to explain these elusive virtual tokens to your grandparents... Defined as “a unique digital certificate, registered in a...

Posted by: Matter Of Form

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