Displaying 73 - 108 of 9438 results



England's Rugby Kit: The 250,000-mile manufacturing adventure

So apparently, we won the rugby against Fiji on Saturday. 35-11, I believe. But there, I’m afraid, my knowledge of rugby stops. And so does my interest, if I’m honest, unless pizza and beer and a room full of friends is included. Sorry,...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison

Harness the Power of "Why" In Your Brand Story

We all remember great stories. It’s what helps us make connections, strengthens our memories and inspires action. So it is no surprise that brands who use storytelling are the ones that get noticed. Storytelling in marketing is not a new...

Posted by: Emma McCarthy


Social Commerce: the new retail avenue for brands

Following the rise of social media during the pandemic, one may be left to wonder about the destiny of retail and how retail sales will be shaped by such surge in social media user bases. It is true that there is an opportunity for brands to take on...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Blind Passion of Augusto Correia

"Don't learn advertising. Learn people." Associate creative director Augusto Correia has an ardent passion for creativity. You can easily get that from his words, and how vehemently he talks about his craft. Born a musician and grown in advertising,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why Instagram should be careful

I have been a user of social media since Facebook launched back in 2004 and like many of you have seen the development and additions of existing and new channels. In recent years the giant that once was Twitter seems to be struggling and in my...

Posted by:


Why the future of marketing is long-form storytelling

It is known that viewers retain 95% of what they watch on video. Brand videos are a powerful tool for any marketer out there - a medium with which audiences resonate now more than ever. There is an opportunity out there for marketers wanting to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to Enhance Brand Awareness with Digital Marketing

Did you know that 46% of consumers in the US only buy from businesses they can trust? Only after they do research and read reviews to get familiar with the company do they consider buying. The first step in all this is finding out about your brand....

Posted by: Alina Tytarenko


Next generation marketing: how to play in the Metaverse

A new digital era is on the horizon as the metaverse evolves from sci-fi concept into reality. While online channels have been the driving force of connectivity between businesses and consumers over the past couple of years, many are now...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Paperback for good.

I've always been a huge admirer of The Big Issue. Not only is it a thumping good read, its purpose is both uplifting and completely unique. It strikes me that handouts, while obviously helpful in the very short term, rarely address the problems which...

Posted by: Creativepool


Business goals and purpose are not incompatible

The Covid-19 pandemic has seen a rise in popularity for brands who are more purpose-driven. The past year has shown us how important it is to have a purpose to which your customers can connect, one key message that can be described in one sentence...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The World’s First Augmented Performance Agency #CompanySpotlight

It’s one of those ideas that you’re amazed nobody had before. Will Scougal, however, was the one to finally give it wings as the Founder and MD at Make My Day. The idea in question was using augmented reality to bring brands into...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Top 10 worst corporate phrases

The other day, I was told to reach out to someone. Reach out. Reach out as if I’m dangling Hollywood-style by my fingertips from a cliff, with Stallone looking all Botoxy-slumpy-faced in front of me, telling me to HANG ON! What I was actually...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Changing why we consume | #PurposeMonth

Making it easier to consume more sustainably is far from easy but changing why we consume requires us to unpick and then serve human motivation in new, more sustainable ways. So why do we buy? Obviously, sometimes we buy because we need...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Under the microscope: Lessons learned from iconic British ads

TV is a huge part of everyday life, with iconic British soaps like Coronation Street and Eastenders still going strong today. Alongside these shows, certain British adverts have made a lasting impression on viewers. We all have memories of particular...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Festive Sustainability: Dreaming of a Green Christmas

Christmas is a time for giving and family celebrations. Yet, it can be a time of excess and over-indulgence - from gifting to greeting cards and glitter - we question if the glamour is worth the garbage. Figures show that the festive season...

Posted by: SGK


Mixed reality will have as big an impact as iPhone

The founder of immersive production studio REWIND has predicted that mixed reality will have as big an impact on the world as the iPhone did when it was first released in 2007. Sol Rogers, who is behind augmented and virtual reality work for the...

Posted by: Ryan Watson


Does Sex Still Sell?

Scope Overflowing champagne bottles, foamy shower scenes, underwear models in pillow fights. We’re all familiar with the sexy tactics deployed to turn us on to brands because it’s well-established that ‘sex sells’. Yet a study published in...

Posted by: Canvas8


The Top Advertising Stories of 2015

It's been one hell of a year, so boiling it all down into a few humble little articles is no easy task. But we're going to try. This year we expanded our horizons a little bit, encompassing the entire creative spectrum, and as such, these lists will...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Brands built on purpose: Is purpose-driven marketing always a plus?

Purpose-driven marketing. Purpose-driven brands. Purpose-driven products. These days, it seems the industry is powered by purpose. Which is hardly a surprise, with poll after poll suggesting customers want to buy from brands that are more socially...

Posted by: Woven Agency


All the ads of Christmas 2019 (continued...)

Following our round-up of the first wave of Christmas ads from all the big UK retailers and others such as Amazon, Macy's and Cineworld, it's time to take a look at the latest seasonal spots doing the rounds this week. Entering the fray are...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


3 things that will shape the future of ecommerce

It seems rarely a day goes by without the word 'ecommerce' coming up. The growing ubiquity of ecommerce in the UK (by 2023, it will have a predicted 97% penetration rate) - combined with the much-mooted “death of the high street” - means...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Direct-to-Consumer is challenging brands according to 2017 Warc Toolkit

Consumer goods brands are increasingly looking at direct-to-consumer (DTC) opportunities, according to Warc, the global marketing intelligence service. Research suggests that cutting out or minimising the retailer 'middleman' allows brands that...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Trend Report: How Beauty Brands Got Digital

Once upon a time the beauty industry was in a pretty set way. Brands such as L’Oreal, Avon and Estée Lauder only needed to whip up tried-and-tested print and billboard campaigns with household celebrities in order to sell new products and...

Posted by: Kate Lewin


Mother London and Stella Artois leave a mark on Matt Damon

Our friends at Mother have teamed up with Stella Artois, Palma Pictures, 1stAveMachine and Matt Damon in order to put across a very serious message in a rather beautiful way. Around the world, over 663 million people still lack access to clean water...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Week In Advertising

McVities - Sweet Friends The image of two tough-nut window cleaners going all soppy over some soft toys is undeniably amusing, and that's what we find in the latest execution of McVities 'Sweet' campaign. Clearly a lot of time and money have been...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw

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