Displaying 1 - 36 of 97 results



How to hire a Video Editor

Whether you're a business looking to showcase your products, an influencer aiming to strengthen your brand presence, or an organization eager to connect with your audience, high-quality videos are essential. Crafting compelling videos involves much...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The taboo-busting plastic-free period pants | #BehindTheIdea

Sky Media recently revealed WUKA’s advertising campaign as one of the five winners of the Sky Zero Footprint Fund initiative. The taboo-busting ad encourages women to ditch plastic-riddled disposable pads and tampons in favour of its...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#MemberSpotlight on Freelance Director & Cinematographer Louis English

How did you get into the industry? Movies played a big part in my childhood. I would have Disney marathons with my sister and watch the classics on TCM with my dad. As a kid it was a big deal to go to the cinema, so I never took the experience for...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


10 FREE recession-proof creative tools you didn’t know you needed

Everyone likes a freebie and with the news this morning that we are potentially heading into one of the worst recessions in history, the concept of getting something genuinely useful for nothing has never seemed more enticing. With that in mind, I...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


What hides behind the camera? - #MemberSpotlight

Matthew Huntley lives and breathes film. You can say that of many directors, but for few it is as true as with him. Constantly looking for inspiration, endlessly focused and with a specialism in documentaries, Matt is a prolific director/filmmaker...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Phillips #ShareTheCare for mums across the world #BehindTheIdea

Philips Avent, in collaboration with LePub, is launching an empowering new campaign called #ShareTheCare. This initiative aims to address the challenges faced by moms and put a spotlight on the importance of their well-being and self-care. To raise...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Nephology For Business, anyone?

Was fascinated by a TV programme the other evening, on the possible reasons behind why we’ve been experiencing some oddly ’stuck’ weather patterns in the last couple of decades. And yes, hooked because we really love to talk about the weather...

Posted by: Richard

Using target audience personas to predict success

Audience personas can provide the blueprint for your marketing campaigns. By taking the time to research and immerse yourself in understanding who you are trying to reach, can provide an invaluable framework for attaining great results. Everyone has...

Posted by: Think Design Manchester Ltd


How to create an AI film

Anxious about artificial intelligence changing everything? Not us... Not much. After a year of experimentation and embracing the new, it's time to celebrate the debut of our first real-world-client-commissioned-AI film for The IVF Network which came...

Posted by: We Are Tilt


At Cannes Lions 2023, purpose was out and humour was in

If Cannes Lions 2022 has a singular united theme, it was “purpose.” Indeed, it’s perhaps been the unifying theme for the last decade. In the ensuing 12 months, however, we’ve all been purposed to death so when it came to the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The Tokyo agency that took on the world and won | #CompanySpotlight

Global design-driven creative agency monopo is an independent creative agency born in Tokyo, with offices in London, New York and Saigon that helps brands be their most inspiring selves. Their goal is to inject personality into digital design and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


4 top tips for a successful creative job interview

Most people think they have interview preparation perfected, but you’d be surprised by how many people overlook basic elements, and some simple improvements, which can be key to your success. We’ve gathered the top 4 tips to make your...

Posted by: Hanover


#GettingToKnow one of the fiercest female illustrators in the game

To mark the end of Women’s History Month, we’re getting to know the illustrator, artists and graphic designer Lucie Corbasson, known professionally as Lucie Louxor. Lucie has been working as a freelance designer for just over four years...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Blockchain: Solving the media and advertising sector's challenges

There are over 6,500 different cryptocurrencies, all varying in size of market capitalisation, which have different followings and trading volumes. Some of these are meme coins that have a supporting business model flimsier than a house of cards....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Blockchain: Solving the media and advertising sector’s challenges

There are over 6,500 different cryptocurrencies, all varying in size of market capitalisation, which have different followings and trading volumes. Some of these are meme coins which have a supporting business model flimsier than a house of cards....

Posted by: The PR Boutique


Would you buy a meme for $560,000?

If you love kittens and have been around the internet for a while, you know about cryptocurrency and the rise of NFTs. Spelled out as Non-Fungible Tokens, NFTs are a new form of bitcoin that is being discussed extensively in the creative industry and...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


What kind of creative careers are there in esports?

It was 2003 when DOTA (Defence of the Ancients), the first true Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA), hit the shelves of PC gaming. Since then, esports have been on a constant and steady rise, leading to widespread popularisation for a new kind of...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo

Job Description: Events Designer

Events always have been and always will be an incredibly important part of the creative industries and Events Designers are the ones working behind the scenes to bring events to life. If you’ve ever found yourself at an event where you were...

Posted by: Creativepool

Job Description: Design Manager

A design manager is employed to lead numerous design-related tasks. These may include web design, product development, advertising or general creative roles. These individuals can be employed in construction, in graphic design firms, in the...

Posted by: Creativepool


Go your own way | By the CEO of Redwood BBDO

This new wave of purpose comes with a caveat: brands are eager to jump on the most popular causes, and sometimes forget about their own, true essence. Purpose should be personal. It should be lived and breathed every day, from the brand's core and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The 5 secrets to a killer brand community that you can learn today

People love coming together for a number of reasons, and more than anything else. It is one of the many things that this global crisis has taught us - and a positive lesson, for once. There is nothing like a worldwide illness to make people feel...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


7 Story Archetypes: using plot to build brands

At Southpaw we’re kind of obsessed with storytelling in the brand building process. Within storytelling’s golden trio of character, incident and plot, it’s plot that provides the vital framework to hang everything from. Enter the...

Posted by: Southpaw


Exploring the theatrical photography of Jamie Isbell

Maybe it's the fact that he works as a creative lead for the National Theatre. But the capacity of Jamie Isbell to capture the moment, wrapping entire stories and characters within one frame, is absolutely incredible. Jamie has had the chance to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Cannes Lions 2019: Film, Titanium, Glass, Sustainable Development winners

Friday night saw the final awards show of Cannes Lions 2019 take place with the Communication and Good Track winners announced as well as special awards, celebrating the industry's best performing companies across the five-day event, as well as...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

The Unsustainable Nature of Crunch Culture

You’ve forgotten what your family looks like. It’s been months of overtime. Leaving the house before they’ve woken up, coming home after they’ve gone to bed. You tell them that ‘it’s expected, and everyone else is doing it’, well aware...

Posted by: Magnopus


Brand Perspective with Sam Moore, Head of Digital at Carlsberg

As part of our "Brand Perspective" Annual 2018 judges series, meet Sam Moore. Tell us what you do for a living? Head of Digital at Carlsberg. What does that involve? I manage the digital user experience for both On Trade customers (e.g. Pubs and...

Posted by: Heather Deacon

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