Displaying 109 - 144 of 178 results



Demand Media buy Saatchi Art and names new CEO

Demand Media, the Santa Monica-based content and social media company that operates brands like eHow, Cracked and Livestrong, announced yesterday that it had added Saatchi Art to its collection. They acquired the company for $17 million in cash and...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Two trends influencing the performance of your brand

The best-laid strategies have to be amenable to change. In the long term, market forces, cultural changes and technological innovation can all shift the foundations you’ve built on. And as Darwin explained: it’s not the strongest that...

Posted by: Bray Leino


Thanks to the new Lotto campaign, we all lose.

I was never keen on the National Lottery. On the night it launched, I nipped to the shop for cigarettes and was confronted with a queue which reached out of the door and off down the street. I was concerned the people had been hypnotized and summoned...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Write offs. Are copywriters being sidelined?

Over the last week, I've very much enjoyed reading a debate, prompted by one of my Creativepool columns, on LinkedIn. It's always particularly satisfying to find creative professionals reacting to a piece I've written and I'm grateful to anyone who...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Should creatives ever work for free?

Have you been to a supermarket recently? If you have, did you ask the till operator whether you could take the contents of your trolley for nothing? Of course you didn’t. The very suggestion you might be entitled to free groceries would be...

Posted by: Creativepool


What will happen in advertising in 2013?

by Ashley Morrison. It seems clear to me that adverts are getting cleverer. Gone are the days of naive wonder with small children pondering how Mummy gets the dishes so clean, or young teenagers dancing around in waistcoats while sucking on their...

Posted by: Creativepool

Job Description - Broadcast Journalist

What is the work like? Broadcast journalists research and present news items for broadcast on radio, TV and online. Their job is to tell each story in a compelling way - combining the facts with the most apt sounds or pictures. Many journalists...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinion - The will to live. How complacency is ruining retail.

by Magnus Shaw I hope you enjoyed your Bank Holiday, thunder storms and all. I did some light shopping on Sunday, such is my hectic rock and roll lifestyle. My good lady wife and I wanted to make a couple of specific purchases: some reading glasses...

Posted by: Creativepool


Winners and losers – BrewDog vs Diageo

The Emirates Stadium played host to this years Drum Marketing Awards. McCann Manchester and Aldi Stores continued to reap the rewards of their ‘Aldi Likes Brands’ campaign. After winning the Roses Advertising and Design Awards Grand Prix...

Posted by: Creativepool


India's Emerging iGaming Scene

India, a nation with a passion for sports embedded in its cultural DNA, is witnessing a remarkable surge in its iGaming landscape, and sports betting is emerging as a major player in this digital renaissance. From the adrenaline rush of online...

Posted by: Creativepool Partner


Monetising the metaverse | #PredictionsMonth

There’s been a lot said about the metaverse over the last few years and, let’s be honest, little of it has been resolutely positive, at least as far as Facebook and Mr Zuckerberg are concerned. But there are companies out there looking to...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


All Roads Lead To Rome

For any business, there is only ONE reason to have a website. That reason is to make money - and even more critical... make profits. If your company has a website, and you cannot tangibly determine whether it is contributing to PROFITS, or COSTING...

Posted by: Tagmakers


The Evolution of Streaming Meets Technology

Dan Goman, CEO and founder of Ateliere Technologies picks apart the current streaming subscriber churn and offers an elegant cloud-based solution to the problem. For most people that grew up during the golden age of cable TV, the advent of streaming...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How much should I charge as a Freelance Art Director?

A guide to Art Director rates, with tips and advice from experienced professionals in the industry In the advertising world, Art Directors are the hand of creativity. They are responsible for what commercial campaigns look like, they oversee...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Grasping the dramatic storytelling of Sergio Onzari

Sergio Onzari prefers content to packaging, travel to office life, and ultimately wants the world to know that storytelling is what dictates every step of his life. Having started in an advertising agency in Buenos Aires, the content producer is...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Driving the Mental Health Conversation with Movember and Matta

One can only imagine which wonders a global pandemic has made to those who suffer from mental health issues. If engaging in conversations about mental health was harsh before being locked up at home for months, it's discouraging to think what has...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


What does the pandemic mean for the production sector?

Some will remember a very specific time in the history of cinema, a time when certain crews were reduced to a bare minimum and all that mattered was the artistic expression, the idea behind film itself. I am certainly too young to remember a time...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Disney+ and what it means for the future of streaming entertainment

This week, Disney+ finally launched in the UK at perhaps the most opportune time in history - when almost all of us are forced to stay indoors. We can gently chuckle at the conspiracy theories about Disney engineering coronavirus to maximise...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Why aren't brands doing enough for the environment?

It's no secret that the planet is suffering. Aside from Brexit, it's been the biggest thing affecting the news agenda for the past few years and coverage is only set to increase. But if the decay and gradual demise of our world is so important, why...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


AKQA urges companies to adopt nature Code of Conscience

AKQA has invited the top 10 construction equipment companies of the world to adopt its new open source software to protect nature reserves from destruction. Despite their protective status, one third of the areas are under threat from human...

Posted by: AKQA


Accelerate your brand evolution with hybrid thinking

Think about the word “hybrid,” and it’s likely to evoke thoughts of eco-friendly cars, new types of plants cultivated by combining those that already exist, human robots in sci-fi novels, or even crossbred dogs. By its very nature,...

Posted by: AdventureLAB


Rebrand roundup: Cocoa Jones, The Big Issue, Azerbaijan and more

Cocoa Jones - Supple Studio​ The new branding for young chocolate product Cocoa Jones has been created by Supple Studio with a colourful theme that brings through the heritage and cultures of its two founders. The luxury confectionary company was...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

Smart cities: Just how well understood are they?

Despite the relative maturity of the concept of smart cities - a term for which definitions have existed for around 10 years - new research has revealed that only 23% of people have heard of them. Posterscope’s OOH consumer survey the Smart in...

Posted by: Posterscope


Ad Trends 2018: An uncertain industry in a state of flux

When looking ahead, it's always important to keep one foot firmly rooted in the past, particularly when examining adland, which has been in a state of flux for years now. With agencies and brands alike shifting their allegiances towards digital with...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Account Wins of the Week

Atomic London - Royal Opera House Atomic London has been appointed by the Royal Opera House to create the campaign around the transformation of the iconic London theatre through its Open Up project, due for completion in autumn 2018. The Royal Opera...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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