Displaying 1 - 36 of 1730 results



Betfair celebrates trailblazing heritage #behindtheidea

Betfair, one of the world’s largest international online sports betting providers and part of the world’s biggest entertainment company, Flutter, has today launched a new bran positioning and brand platform developed with their creative...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why the next generation of talent is avoiding the creative industry

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” It’s a question we’re asked before we’re old enough to understand it. By the time we hit our teenage years, it's one of the main things our lives revolve around. We end up...

Posted by: Word Tonic Recruitment


Freelance Financial Management Tips for Creatives #MoneyMonth

I've never been good with money. Since becoming a fulltime freelance creative, however, it's a skill I've been forced to acquire because accountants are expensive and "getting creative" when balancing the books means something else entirely. What...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How Luxury Brands Can Stand Out in 2024 #PurposeMonth

The past two years have seen the luxury market expand exponentially, and market predictions suggest that this year will be no different. McKinsey forecasts the luxury goods market to increase by 2-4% in 2024, propelled by digital innovation,...

Posted by: Shoreditch Design Studio


#MemberSpotligh on graphics designer Huma Fawad

How did you first get into the industry? My journey into the creative industry was a natural evolution of my lifelong passion for art and creativity. Growing up, I always gravitated towards painting, drawing, and exploring various creative outlets....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to hire an Automotive Design Expert in 2024

Whether you are a car manufacturer, an aftermarket parts company, or a startup looking to innovate in the automotive space, finding the right automotive designer can significantly impact your project's success. This guide will walk you through the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Resurgence of Print: Why Tangible Media Still Matters #PurposeMonth

In the third decade of the 21st century, screens are everywhere and that’s proven quite destructive for traditional print media. Also factor in the world’s shift towards sustainable practices and it would appear as if the age of tangible...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Inside 5 of 2024’s most controversial banned adverts #PurposeMonth

Controversy can be a double-edged sword, particularly in an age where there’s so much content and so few original ways left to break through the noise. Poking the bear is all well and good though, but if you poke too hard, you’ll...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Whiskies chiselled from stone #BehindTheBrand

Culture-first creative agency LOVE have helped design and create Wildmoor, a new seven-strong range of whiskies by William Grant & Sons (WG&S) inspired by Scotland’s rugged beauty. LOVE was brought on board to help fashion WG&S’s stock of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

Exploring Creative Colleges in the USA for UI Design

When you're passionate about user interface (UI) design, choosing the right college can feel like a crucial step in crafting your future career. But with so many educational institutions offering programs in UI design and related fields, how do you...

Posted by: Creativepool Partner


OREO asks us to trust the twist #BehindTheIdea

The new OREO campaign "Trust the Twist”, created by LePub Amsterdam, injects playfulness into daily routines by integrating OREO's beloved twisting ritual. The press spiel declares: “In a world of serious decisions, why not embrace the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#MemberSpotlight on product designer Rajeev Karemane

How did you first get into the industry? I was born in small village in western ghats of Karnataka India. When I was 10 years old, I used to create collages by cutting out people's photos from newspapers and magazines, mixing and matching them in...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to hire a Technical Illustrator

In the realm of engineering and technical documentation, the role of a skilled technical illustrator is not merely important-it is crucial. Whether you're involved in engineering, manufacturing, publishing, or any industry sector that necessitates...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Regenerating London’s Commercial Quarter #BehindTheBrand

This week, we spoke to longtime Creativepool friend and SomeOne Founder Simon Manchipp, to discuss his agency’s visual identity for a bold new regenerative programme in London. What was the brief? Create a new comprehensive visual and verbal...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


What’s driving so many identity changes?

As one of the world’s most luxurious car brands unveils a refreshed logo, our Client Relationship Director, Paul, looks at why many in the automotive industry are opting for a pared-back identity. Lamborghini. A brand that’s synonymous with...

Posted by: Better


Annual 2024 - Who will see your work?

Will my work get seen by the "right" people is a key question when deciding on whether or not to enter any award. As a part of our commitment to making The Annual the "Most Award" we make sure that your entries are delivered to, and downloaded by,...

Posted by: Creativepool


A Dirty Secret: Design Doesn't Sell

Can I tell you a secret? As a branding designer and consultant, I've come to realize a truth that might ruffle a few feathers: Design, in and of itself, doesn't sell. Before you sharpen your pitchforks, allow me to elaborate. Design, particularly...

Posted by: Marc Posch


Spotty Zebras

"How often can something be incredible before it becomes normal for it to be incredible and thus not looked upon as incredible anymore?"- Rob Auton Zebras are amazing. Monochrome in a dusky landscape. Unique, striped, designed to distract and...

Posted by: Tony Pipes


A (mercifully) pun-free roundup of the best Easter 2024 campaigns

Easter is rarely held in the same regard as Christmas or even Halloween (unless you’re a confectioner, of course) but the iconography of the season is ripe for creativity. Easter ads campaigns of the past few years have seen everything from...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Enduring Brands vs. Fading Stars: Standing the Test of Time #Brand Month

Not every brand can be an icon and even those that achieve iconic status are not guaranteed immortality. Of course, changing consumer and economic trends are always going to play an important part in whether a brand sticks around for months, years or...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Phillips #ShareTheCare for mums across the world #BehindTheIdea

Philips Avent, in collaboration with LePub, is launching an empowering new campaign called #ShareTheCare. This initiative aims to address the challenges faced by moms and put a spotlight on the importance of their well-being and self-care. To raise...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Punk and Progress - Why Rebellion Fosters Innovation

In the annals of cultural history, Punk stands as a testament to the power of rebellion and defiance. Emerging in the 1970s as a raw, unapologetic response to the stifling conservatism of the time, Punk music, fashion, and ethos shattered norms,...

Posted by: Marc Posch


Proving that Pot Noodle is “real food” that fills a hole #BehindTheIdea

Pot Noodle, the Unilever snack brand, was positioned as filling a hole and a tongue-in-cheek film that takes that a step further showing the noodles in all sorts of holes such as a pool table pocket, a bird house and a washing machine drum. It also...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to hire a Fashion Designer

In the dynamic world of fashion business, selecting a fashion designer who aligns with both your brand’s requirements and the project’s needs is paramount. Whether you’re launching a new clothing line, rebranding your company image,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The anxiety attacking earplugs #CreativeCaseStudy

Design agency Matter has collaborated with University of the Arts London to develop a concept for a bio-inspired sustainable earplug using the natural form of a helix to reduce material needed to efficiently block out sound. The concept takes...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns

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