Displaying 1 - 36 of 1827 results



How to hire a great branding designer – 5 top tips

What is a brand? It’s far more than just a colour scheme and a few catchy phrases. Indeed, it’s more suitable to think of a brand as an identity - it’s what the company stands for, what it hopes to achieve and how it wants to be...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to Brand a City: The Secrets of Successful City Branding

When it comes to branding, there can be few tasks as daunting (besides perhaps being asked to brand a whole country) as being asked to brand a city. Branding a city is no longer limited to creating logos and slogans; it has evolved into a strategic...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


#GettingToKnow the bravest sonic branding creative director of all

Imagine if you could listen to music all day and make a creative career out of that. That is precisely what Karolina Namyslowski's 'typical' day looks like - though making a routine out of creation doesn't come without costs. Having studied...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to hire a great graphic designer - 5 useful tips

The best graphic designers inhabit that space between the creative and the business-minded; the tangible and the intangible. It would be quite easy (and reductive) to simply take the phrase literally and describe a graphic designer simply as...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How to hire a great creative director - 5 top tips

“Heavy is the head that wears the crown.” That’s the well-worn cliche that continues to hold billions back from greatness every single day but for some, the crown seems to fit pretty naturally. Such is the case with all the best...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Five Essential COVID-19 Adaptive Marcom Tips, Week of 27 April

Image Source: From IABC’s COVID-19 Resources, https://www.iabc.com/covid-19-resources/ Being an excellent communications consultant is highly demanding. On top of all the other diligence and expertise, sustaining professional development is...

Posted by: The Darnell Works Agency


Top 5 copywriting tips from creative director Max Vinall

As a writer with nearly 30 years’ experience (currently creative director at Jellyfish, and Copywriting, Branding and Tone of Voice trainer), let me tell you one thing: The words matter. Whether you write for the web, social, TV, film, the...

Posted by: Max


Creative Opinion: Top tips for speeding up your creative workflow

Creative Director of Brand Nu, Radim Malinic shares his clever hacks for speeding up your workflows, getting new briefs completed on time and delivered to clients in a timely fashion. Radim Malinic Start with a strategy The key to any successful...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Branding Expertise – A Creative skill in demand

We caught up with Michael Smith, Creative Director and co-owner of Clout Branding with a background in brand design. We found out about his career journey so far, asked for a few hints and tips to grow and gain this expertise and we also asked what...

Posted by: ADLIB


Freelance Financial Management Tips for Creatives #MoneyMonth

I've never been good with money. Since becoming a fulltime freelance creative, however, it's a skill I've been forced to acquire because accountants are expensive and "getting creative" when balancing the books means something else entirely. What...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


10 top tips to help you win creative awards

After 11 year's of running The Annual we've picked up a few key pointers on how to craft a winning awards entry. Below is the Top 10 tips from ourselves, previous judges and winners on how to create the perfect submission. 1. Tell A Story An...

Posted by: Creativepool


The Implications and Complications of AI Branding #BrandMonth

There will come a time in the not-too-distant future where I officially get sick of writing about AI. Thankfully, however, I’ve not quite crossed the indifference Rubicon yet. Indeed, given the pace the technology is developing, it seems...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Is Dolby Atmos the Future of Sonic Branding?

Sonic branding. It’s something all creatives are familiar with, and something we can certainly appreciate the importance of. We’re all aware of how great sound can make or break a product, but something rarely talked about is how much of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


A new branding strategy for golf’s oldest championship #BehindTheBrand

The R&A has launched its first significant rebrand for The Open, golf’s original major championship, in eight years with independent consultancy Zag. The rebrand, independent consultancy Zag, coincided with the 151st Open at Royal Liverpool,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


When Branding, Politics & Capitalism Collide

We live in a dangerously divided world where politics, branding, and capitalism continue to collide. Fueled by social media’s immediacy, vast reach, and influence, and a society stoked by activism, we’ve never been more socially...

Posted by: Lysle Wickersham


The importance of branding for B2B – Part II: Marketing

B2B brand awareness matters more than ever - and the data backs it up. Brand awareness is the top priority for B2B businesses in 2022[1], not just in the UK, but worldwide[2]. B2B companies have historically always been about leads, sales, and cost...

Posted by: Think Design Manchester Ltd


How Branding In Video Games Has Come Of Age #MediaMonth

Over the past few decades, video games have evolved from simple pixelated pastimes into immersive interactive experiences with vast storytelling potential. Alongside this evolution, branding in video games has also matured significantly. Once...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Ace Your Next Project Manager Interview Using These 7 Tips

Job interviews can be nerve-racking, no matter the position you’re applying for. In fact, 93% of people say they feel anxiety leading up to the interview. One of the ways you can keep these nerves at bay is by preparing effectively. In this...

Posted by: Creativepool Partner


Branding for startups – where to begin

Often an afterthought for new business startups, branding is an essential element that sometimes seems overly complicated – and expensive to implement. But it doesn't have to be that way, and having some idea of branding can help you establish an...

Posted by: Tony Clarkson


World Cup 26 branding: Own goal or top bins?

With design critique, especially within the passionate world of sports, it’s easy to jump in two footed to disparage any new identity. However, the North American World Cup 2026 logo has the potential to become as memorable as Mexico 1968 or...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The top 10 tips to creating award entries that win!

Putting together an awards entry takes a bit of science and a slice of art. We've compiled this Top 10 list from previous judges and winners to give you knowledge on how to create the perfect submission. 1. Tell a Story An effective way to have...

Posted by: Creativepool


Everything you ever needed to know about branding

Freelance content strategist Alicia Rother offers a deep and compelling dive into the world of branding. A strong brand identity plays an important part in the success of a business or organization. Your brand determines how your customers,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


2023 Resolutions: Top tips from entrepreneurs & agency leaders

People use a new year as a fresh start, evaluating the past year with introspection and making goals for a better year ahead. Work-related new year’s resolutions for freelancers and business owners are created in this process. While many...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to choose a branding agency

For many businesses, choosing a branding agency might be one of the most profound decisions to consider. Not only will this agency help define how the world views your business but how it views itself. They will help transform your business into a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Top 5 mental health tips for freelancers | #MentalHealthMonth

There is a lot to be said for the life of the freelancer. The freedom, the flexibility, and the lack of people to answer to (besides your clients, of course) makes it a tempting path for many. I myself was tempted 15 years ago now and I’ve...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Why You Need to Embrace Environmental Branding Ahead of 2023

Simply having your sign out front won’t cut it anymore. In today’s competitive landscape, branding takes on a much more comprehensive approach. This demand has paved the way for environmental branding - an immersive approach that helps...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How much should I charge as a freelance branding designer?

In a rapidly competitive environment, every brand looks to set themselves apart. They want to create an unmistakable image to achieve the highest possible brand recognition among consumers. A branding designer or brand manager is responsible not...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Top 10 most exciting branding designers on Creativepool

What is a brand? It’s far more than just a colour scheme and a few catchy phrases. Indeed, it’s more suitable to think of a brand as an identity - it’s what the company stands for, what it hopes to achieve and how it wants to be...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to hire a great retoucher – 5 top tips

The job of a retoucher is far more complicated and exciting than just making exceptionally pretty people even prettier. Editing images and videos, or photographic retouching, helps the creative present his or her project in the best light...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to hire a great studio manager – 5 top tips

Studios are busy and often chaotic environments that need to be run like the tightest of ships if they want to achieve their goals and produce quality work at scale and at speed. That’s why studio managers play such an integral role. According...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to hire a great art director – 5 top tips

Creativity is a wonderful and very personal thing, but it can also cultivate chaos if it’s not properly guided by the right pair of hands. Those hands often belong to the art director. This is the part of the team that guides the creatives and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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