Displaying 1 - 36 of 1838 results



We Love These Blurred Lines

Category blurring is a phrase you may have heard thrown about the office, but might not fully understand what it is exactly or how it works. Given that it's become a top tactic for leading brands across multiple FMCG categories, it would seem now is...

Posted by: bluemarlin


The blurred legal lines between inspiration and stealing.

When does homage become theft? And when does inspiration tip into plagiarism? Can a creative endeavour ever be called completely original? These were the questions facing a U.S. court, which last week found in favour of the family of the late soul...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Continuous Lines: The Creative Mind Behind Our Branding

At JJ Media Group our values are reflected in every aspect of our branding and culture. We are spontaneous, experimental and collaborative. Our mission is to provide our clients with an all-round, efficient, continuous service that exceeds their...

Posted by: JJ Media Group


Frameworks reinvents itself #CompanySpotlight

For this week’s spotlight, we spoke to Ben Bush, Partner and Head of Strategy at The Frameworks, to discuss their new proposition, “Reinvention,”. This focuses on how building a winning business is fundamentally creative. It’s...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How Maverick Media connects People to Video Games - #GettingToKnow

You can tell from the interview below that Joel Maguet, Head of Studio at Maverick Media, is a huge fan of stories and moving people with them. Joel has always been passionate about film and production, so when the time was right, choosing Film...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Creative Opinions on The Oscars 2017: A Social Media Monopoly?

The Oscars are, whilst almost as large a televisual draw as that 'other' big event in February, largely free from the burden of expectation when it comes to advertising. The fact is that nobody really talks about the ad breaks of the Academy Awards,...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Kanye West to speak at the Cannes Lions 2014 Festival of Creativity

Ever since it was re-branded as the 'Creativity Conference', opening the doors for more than just advertisers, The Cannes Lions (colloquially referred to as “The Academy Awards of the advertising world) has gone from strength to strength, year...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


AI won’t be taking your PR or comms job anytime soon | #MoneyMonth

AI has the potential to change our world beyond recognition. For example, the AI generated picture of the pope in the puffer jacket going viral looked pretty realistic - didn’t it? Or how about the images of Donald Trump being arrested in New...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Pursuit of Meaningful Innovation for Luxury Brands

Everyone’s (us included) favourite buzzword: innovation. Even the most iconic luxury brands can get it wrong. Whether it’s too safe or trend-chasing, thoughtless innovation can devalue a brand to the point of no return. Ensure that...

Posted by: Matter Of Form


The Luxury Report: The State of the Industry in 2023 and Beyond

Every year, as Q4 draws to a close, we scan the luxury futurescape for up-and-coming markets and macro trends that we believe expose the crucial spaces top brands need to innovate within over the coming year and well into the PCE (post-COVID era). A...

Posted by: Matter Of Form


2023 Resolutions: Top tips from entrepreneurs & agency leaders

People use a new year as a fresh start, evaluating the past year with introspection and making goals for a better year ahead. Work-related new year’s resolutions for freelancers and business owners are created in this process. While many...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How music and cinematic trailers enhance games brand identity

Games pull their audiences into extraordinary worlds made of fantasy, deeply human stories and epic challenges. As the 'gaming' demographic reaches an ever so broad spectrum of audiences all over the world, gaming brands are finding new ways to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Melissa Ditson on creating your own role models

"As a creative, I've never had a female to learn from or look up to as an example of what was possible for my career." It's not uncommon to hear such stories from female leaders in the industry, even today. Though we are slowly getting there, we...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Making and breaking the grid with Ben Statham

Ben Statham loves making plans. We can definitely relate. As his experience taught him, Ben Statham also loves breaking plans. The unexpected always brings along a certain thrill, and no one could know that better than a photographer, constantly...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


What is the difference between web development and web design?

Anyone looking for a new website or to redesign an existing one will have likely at some point been confused by the terms "web development" and "web design." Even if you thought you had an idea what they were about, the lines can become so blurred...

Posted by: Cefar


Is an Internet Without Advertising Possible?

What does your digital utopia look like? Can the internet be governed? Or do we have to fundamentally change how it works? I believe that the internet would benefit greatly from having all advertising removed. It feels weird to think about that....

Posted by: Studio Black Tomato


We all need to prepare for deepfake technology

At Connect: London this week, Stuart Wilson, creative director at McCann Central, will host a session about deepfake technology and look to take the audience on a journey around the subject. Deepfake is an AI-based technology used to produce or...

Posted by: Ryan Watson


Top Hires of the Week

TBWA\China Ronnie Wu, executive creative director, TBWA\Shanghai has been promoted to the role of Chief Creative Officer of TBWA\China with immediate effect. Ronnie joined TBWA\Shanghai at the end of 2015 as executive creative director, and during...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Top Tech Trends of 2017 from the Industry

AI, VR, AR. 2016 was very much the year of the double letter acronym, and, if our panel of industry experts is to be believed, then 2017 looks set to take the developments of 2016 and push them into overdrive. We asked a number of industry experts...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Focal Point: Exploring the big ambitions at Common Industry post-pencil

From the beginning, Common Industry's mission was to build an independent communications company. One that blurred the lines of traditional disciplines and agency structures. Now the proud owners of a D&AD award as well as a client base including...

Posted by: Kate Lewin


Native advertising may be the future, but at what cost?

Radical moves at BBC Three and The Independent (they've both moved to on-line only platforms) is all the proof we need that UK media is furiously chasing around trying to find the new paradigm. A financially sustainable platform with a healthy,...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


2016 D&AD Awards officially open!

Entries for the 54th D&AD Professional Awards have opened, so if you’ve created a piece of work, a campaign, a product, or a movement that has had people exclaiming “I wish I’d done that,” then this might be your year. This...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Shape craft a bold new identity for Women Deliver #BehindTheBrand

In March this year, “positive impact” agency Shape rebranded Women Deliver, a global advocacy organization. To learn more, we spoke to Geli Luna, Associate Design Director, and Ayesha Gardiner, Associate Strategy Director at Shape. What...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How AI is Helping Adland Become More Sustainable #SustainabilityMonth

The intersection of AI and sustainability is reshaping ad land, offering new ways to reduce environmental impact while enhancing campaign effectiveness. For those who have seen the writing on the wall for a while now, this is a necessary next step...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How do you sell a sofa in a box? #BehindTheIdea

Sofa-in-a-box brand SNUG launched its first out of home (OOH) campaign in March with the tag line ‘Sofas to fit big, little or awkward spaces’, created by krow Group. The campaign aims to show Londoners they don’t have to sacrifice...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to hire a Photographer

In our visually-oriented society, the significance of enlisting a proficient photographer is paramount. Whether orchestrating a wedding, launching a new product, or aiming to immortalize a fleeting moment, selecting the ideal photographer is a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Will AI Own April Fools' Day? The Best Piss-Take Campaigns of 2024

April Fool’s Day has rarely been seen as the bastion of creative excellence. It’s not about pushing the envelope or creating something with emotional resonance though, it’s about giving people a quick belly laughs and reminding them...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


What’s in a name? The subtle art of naming your brand #BrandMonth

Imagine if Apple was Pear or Coca-Cola was Cola-Coca. Would we still be celebrating them as some of the most popular brands in the world today? Of course, we have no way of knowing definitively but the sheer ubiquity of those names means it’s...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How to hire an Application Designer

In today’s digital landscape, the demand for high-quality app design is soaring. Whether you’re a seed-stage mobile app startup aiming to create the next big thing or an established company striving to stay relevant, finding the right web...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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