Displaying 37 - 72 of 460 results



Are robots replacing us?

This is a question those in the creative industry have probably asked themselves in the past few years. Hugo Evans, senior designer at We Are Tilt has a decade-long career spanning branding, print and digital. The arrival of artificial intelligence...

Posted by: We Are Tilt


How to choose an animation studio

Hiring the best team to bring your animation projects to life is not an easy task. Animation projects require extensive production, and the proper studio needs to deliver the desired visual output while also guaranteeing a smooth experience...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Putting the POP in pop culture with Hannah Gillingham | #MemberSpotlight

Hannah Gillingham is a UK based freelance digital illustrator and artist. Working with a conceptual approach to illustration, she creates painterly illustrations of her favourite characters from pop culture and design illustrated posters, exploring...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


From sausage maker to meal creator | #BehindTheBrand

Richmond sausages recently announced the launch of its brand-new packaging by brand identity agency Bloom. The new design incorporates top-down, modern photography to inspire shoppers with recipes and show the many ways “the Nation’s...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Global creative calendar: August 2022

Among dozens of momentous events set to play out in the weeks ahead, many are already underway, or will commence with the dawn of August. The list includes some of the world’s most famous cultural and creative industry gatherings set to welcome...

Posted by: The Darnell Works Agency


The magical world of animation: 15 different styles - Part 1

This article stemmed from a conversation in the studio, where we were looking at the multitude of ways we could tackle a project. As you’ll see from our site, we rarely have two projects the same. So, here we go with a three part blog, looking...

Posted by: Mighty Giant


Bringing dreams to life with Izabel Ciesinska | #MemberSpotlight

“From my earliest days in the crib, I longed for nothing more than to look at pictures and draw them.” These are the words of this week’s Member Spotlight honouree, Izabel Ciesinska, an illustrator who might very well have been born...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why you *should* be spending more time on Instagram | #MemberSpotlight

Matt Rota has been an illustrator for over 15 years now, and his crude (in the most positive sense possible), visionary imagery is something you will not forget in a hurry. Matt admits to spending "lots of time" on Instagram to get inspired, which...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Weaving a tapestry of diversity for Black Lives Matter | #BehindTheIdea

Black Lives Matter is arguably the most important political movement of the last decade and its echoes have been felt in the ad world for well over a year now. Adding to the ever-building thrum of social rebalancing was a rather unique global...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial



WARNING: CONTAINS OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE* *Unless you don’t get offended by words like ‘fuck’. In which case, the warning should read: contains language. “Daddy, when are you going to teach me how to cut with a sharp knife and...

Posted by: Matt Batten

Job Description: Digital Designer

In their primary role, digital designers combine their creativity and technical skills to produce digital graphics for computer and electronic games, websites, movie special effects, and more. Some digital designers might create graphics for...

Posted by: Creativepool


How to set up your member profile | Creativepool Member Hacks #1

There’s loads you can do on Creativepool, from connecting with fellow creatives to showcasing your work and finding new projects. But it all starts in one place: your Creativepool profile. If you landed on this article, you’ve probably...

Posted by: Creativepool


Can retail experiences discriminate?

From the perspective of store design, how can the physical environment discriminate in retail? Discrimination is traditionally defined as unjust or prejudicial treatment of people based on a number of protected characteristics, including; age, sex,...

Posted by: Quinine


Do you have the most profitable freelance job?

What are the most profitable creative freelance jobs? Some will be quick to answer - and most of you would be right. When we think about making money with creative jobs, it’s hard not to think of web developers, copywriters, product designers -...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


The Eighties vibe in Michael Tonn's illustrations | #MemberSpotlight

Based in Burlington, Vermont (USA), Michael Tonn is the living proof that sometimes, talent is all you need for sheer luck to set things in motion. By his own admission, it was the industry who found him, not the opposite - as a number of small local...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Would you buy a meme for $560,000?

If you love kittens and have been around the internet for a while, you know about cryptocurrency and the rise of NFTs. Spelled out as Non-Fungible Tokens, NFTs are a new form of bitcoin that is being discussed extensively in the creative industry and...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


The textured and imaginary artworks of Miriam Martincic | #MemberSpotlight

Illustrator Miriam Martincic's style is as unique as her passion for anything visual. As long as there is a way to solve problems visually and communicate something, Miriam is in her natural environment and that's where she mostly excels. A simple...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How James Birks moved from engineering to illustration | #MemberSpotlight

You can never predict who is going to be the next portrait subject of Freelance Illustrator James Birks. We've been keeping an eye on his beautiful profile for a while, and each time a new release comes, we are equally amazed and surprised by the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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