Displaying 109 - 144 of 879 results



Global creative calendar: November 2021

Anyone who commits to lifelong learning can expect many prolific returns. Expanding one's knowledge presents opportunities to better understand the world and our fellow humans while advancing our skills. In a constantly changing world, innovation...

Posted by: The Darnell Works Agency


Why keyword blocklisting is hurting your ad campaigns

With an increasing number of customers flocking online, many brands and advertisers were looking to capitalise on this new digital exodus caused by the pandemic. Except they couldn't. With an over-reliance on automated keyword blocklisting, many...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


See Annual 2021's best Agencies, Brands, Talent and Leaders of the Year!

The Creativepool Annual is all about championing excellence in the creative industries. Now that our stellar lineup of winners for Annual 2021 has been announced, it is time to take a closer look at those companies and professionals who defined...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Here's all the Gold Winners from Annual 2021!

Annual 2021 represented a milestone in the realm of creativity this year. Following nearly two years of Zoom calls, restrictions and social distancing, The Annual was a chance to celebrate and to showcase the best creativity has to offer, an occasion...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The textured and imaginary artworks of Miriam Martincic | #MemberSpotlight

Illustrator Miriam Martincic's style is as unique as her passion for anything visual. As long as there is a way to solve problems visually and communicate something, Miriam is in her natural environment and that's where she mostly excels. A simple...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


What brands can learn from the LGBTQIA+ culture

The future is inclusive. Anyone denying that is either a bigot or something else that rhymes with the word. Every year we see brands from everywhere in the industry embrace the Pride rainbow in more or less cheesy ways - but there is still so much...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Legends of Design: Jonathan Ive

Sir Jonathan Paul Ive is one of those figures who will always be remembered for leaving an everlasting mark in the history of design, technology and creativity. Save for the late Steve Jobs, there is no one who had more relevance in the history of...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Ads that made history: Think Small

World War II is over. The western world is benefitting from an economic boom that is bound to last quite some years, and the effects of which we will still cherish and love many years ahead. Of the numerous societal innovations from those years, the...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


The art of building creatively with a creative director | #MemberSpotlight

Based in Surrey, Andy Martin is a creative director/senior graphic designer who has been in the industry for over 22 years. After so long, you'd think anyone would start to lose their passion. Not Andy. Passionate as ever, developing his skills and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Top 25 mind-blowing advertising facts you should know today

Did you think you knew everything about advertising? These top 25 historical facts about the ad industry will surprise you. It is History Month here at Creativepool, which is the perfect opportunity for us to be reminded that there is always...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Tangents & Trajectories with the Founder & CEO of Brash | #GettingToKnow

Working at the intersection of different timezones, John Brash is a brilliant entrepreneur and the Founder & CEO of Brash agency. But few will know and realise how important his early steps were in the overall development of his career. According to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Meet 10 Female Directors Helping Close the Gender Gap in Adland

It’s no secret that female creatives have been overlooked, under employed and under utilised in the film, music, and media industries for decades. Even with the onslaught of rising female creators and content being driven towards the female...

Posted by: Bopper


The blissfully typographic work of a graphic designer - #MemberSpotlight

Coming from a background in typography, Iain Smith Dwight has an incredibly peculiar style that loves to blend type and illustrations in bold new ways. Iain graduated in Northampton with a degree in Graphic Communication and defines himself as a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Annual 2021: who will see your work this year?

Time is ticking! With the standard submissions deadline now out of the way, we are little more than two weeks away from the Annual 2021 final submissions deadline, on Thursday 10th June. The Annual is the Most Distributed creative industry award....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Oscar Pop! 2021’s Best Picture Nominees as Original Pop Art Posters

When casting an eye back over the goings-on this week, I felt a subtle pang of despair. Between the capitalist nightmare that was the ill-fated European Super League, David Cameron lobbying dramas and… more Prince Philip, it all just felt so...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Between typography, graphic design and perseverance - #MemberSpotlight

Iain Smith Dwight has a mind buzzing with energy and a creative spirit that never rests. From music to fashion, film and even more, Iain can easily find inspiration in any kind of creative industry that interests him, never afraid to take an extra...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


You are designing tomorrow’s rubbish

It was just a few months ago, in February, that the AF&PA (American Forest & Paper Association) released a comprehensive research document in which it surveyed a number of paper mills around the US, offering then some guidelines on how to make more...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Unpausing life with O2 and the excitement of technology - #BehindTheIdea

The pandemic crisis has brought most of the world to a halt, at least when it comes to planning and the most social activities. Arguably, we have stopped doing the simplest of things too - like buying a new piece of technology or enjoying the thought...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Global creative calendar: April 2021

Among this month's slate of alluring virtual events, everyone who's open to new experiences has much to gain. Future and current leaders from vital industry sectors are going all in, curtains are set to draw back, and stages will illuminate. As...

Posted by: The Darnell Works Agency


Bringing some Genuine Draught to the table - #BehindTheIdea

In this age of overwhelming noise, one of the most common and popular buzzwords you can hear is disruption. All brands aim to cut through the noise with some disruptive move or campaign - but how many actually achieve that? When BrandOpus was...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Take a deep breath - #MemberSpotlight

Mariano Gabriel Vidal is an animation artist. He is also the character designer behind the 2018 International Emmy Kids Awards Nominee show Mini Beat Power Rockers. The best part is that, by his own admission, Mariano also got into the industry by...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Connecting back to nature with Air Wick - #BehindTheBrand

Over a year after our first global lockdowns, many are the new lessons we have learned from a global pandemic. One of these is that the best brands are the ones with a powerful identity. In that, Air Wick has very few equals. Darren Morgan, Global...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


From Bogotá to London with creativity and resilience - #MemberSpotlight

Karen Burbano tries to find inspiration everywhere around her, especially in the stories of other successful graphic designers and artists from all around the world. A talented art director and designer, Karen has been living in London since 2015,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Balancing distinction with familiarity - #MemberSpotlight

Have you ever heard of a no-waste designer? Creative Director of Misfit Creative Pete Brady might be a first. Pete believes that everything in design must have a purpose. There is no room for wasted space, no way that any part of a design may be...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


7 Story Archetypes: using plot to build brands

At Southpaw we’re kind of obsessed with storytelling in the brand building process. Within storytelling’s golden trio of character, incident and plot, it’s plot that provides the vital framework to hang everything from. Enter the...

Posted by: Southpaw


Can I use George Orwell's legacy in my works?

Every time politics gets into the frame, it is tempting to resort to one of the first world-recognised writers of dystopian fiction, George Orwell, to pay a much heartfelt tribute to such a great master of English literature. Well, as of January...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Design in 2021: What will influence creative?

The wonderful thing about design trends is that with a new year comes an opportunity to reset and quite literally breathe new air, colour and technique into our work.We’ve spotlighted three themes which we see dominating the creative direction...

Posted by: Something Big


What Trump’s social media ban means for the future of the Internet

President Biden may want the US to make a fresh start but he knows, as we all do, that Trump’s term will continue to be a stubborn stain on the red, white, and blue for years to come. A term that began with a promise to stop ‘American...

Posted by: Mary Keane Dawson

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