Displaying 37 - 72 of 9451 results



Looking for purpose in your next job? You’re not alone

It was September 2016 when this article from The Guardian unveiled that millennials want “purpose over paychecks”. Fast forward to 2022, two years after the beginning of a global pandemic, and things are hardly looking any different. If...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How Much Creativity You Should Put Into Your Writing Job

Not everyone is born with a natural knack for writing and those who know they have what it takes often find themselves at odds with what they are able to produce, versus what their employer wants. In many cases, the writer’s creative mind...

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Tips for Negotiating Your Salary and Accepting a Job Offer

Congratulations you have a job interview! However, have you given much thought to negotiating your salary compensation package if you get a job offer? Are you honing your negotiation skills, in readiness for a job offer? Don’t fall down at the...

Posted by: Source


Graduates: Quick tips to landing your dream job

I will admit that being a graduate was probably one of the lowest points of life. After graduating, society seems to paint a picture that “life is only complete if you are accepted into a Big 4 graduate scheme”. Trust me I got declined...

Posted by: Robert Stone


How to Nail Your Next Job Interview

Job interviews can be a nerve wracking experience. Follow our tips on how to impress at a job interview and get your dream position. As we all know, competition for good jobs is tough. If you’re worked hard enough to land a job interview, you...

Posted by: Source

How to get your first job in CG

When applying for a job, people often say it’s not what you know, it’s who you know. Well, we call BS on that. In our industry, talent and creativity are obviously paramount. But that’s a little vague, isn’t it? What are...

Posted by: Saddington Baynes


How to not commit ‘fraud’ in your day job | #PurposeMonth

Fraud. It’s the sort of thing prosperous and portly men in custard-stained three-piece suits commit. It’s the act of the corpulent quasi-banker and have-a-go crim with a knack for persuasion and loopholes. It’s grubby and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


AI will eat your job. Or will it?

Argggghhhh. AI is coming and it’s going to eat your job and then maybe your head. Have you been hearing this lately? Freelancers have seen less interest and income since the launch of ChatGPT as the FT and Chamath highlighted the other...

Posted by: Multivitamin Studio


AI won’t be taking your PR or comms job anytime soon | #MoneyMonth

AI has the potential to change our world beyond recognition. For example, the AI generated picture of the pope in the puffer jacket going viral looked pretty realistic - didn’t it? Or how about the images of Donald Trump being arrested in New...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


4 top tips for a successful creative job interview

Most people think they have interview preparation perfected, but you’d be surprised by how many people overlook basic elements, and some simple improvements, which can be key to your success. We’ve gathered the top 4 tips to make your...

Posted by: Hanover


How to write effective job adverts

Writing an effective job advert to attract the best candidates to your jobs is a very important part of using any job site. A simple rule as you are going through the process is to think about your target audience - ie. think what would you like to...

Posted by: Creativepool


How to job hunt during the pandemic

It's no secret that the industry has seen several mass redundancies being made in the past six months. Add that to a delicate balance made of fresh graduates looking for a job, which reach the order of tens of thousands every year, and you have the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Stop caring about the job title - you should focus on the company

Have you ever seen a job ad for the perfect job role? I’m not talking about the role that makes you consider whether leaving your current position would be a good idea. I’m talking about the one that makes your eyes glimmer, and your...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How to Get a Job in Advertising

There is a lot of competition in the advertising industry. If you want to make a living as a marketing professional, whether as a graphic designer, copywriter, creative director, or something else entirely, you'll need a lot of practice, natural...

Posted by: Creativepool Partner


Creative Job Posting: Capturing the right talent

How much time do you spend looking at a candidate’s CV? I know when I was a recruiter I usually didn’t spend more than ten seconds scanning through and less if I wasn’t totally engaged. A job seeker probably takes the same amount of...

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Job Description: Furniture Designer

Furniture designers are proficient in designing and creating furnishings, taking into consideration both functionality and fashion. They design both exterior and interior furnishings, often keeping in mind things like customer preferences,...

Posted by: Creativepool


Why it’s worth £6,000 a month to keep you out of a job

Dreams are funny old things. You’re playing for Scotland and you’ve just scored the winning goal in the dying minutes of the World Cup final - a clear giveaway this is a dream ­- the referee’s blown the whistle… and you...

Posted by: Ant O'Neill


Not a 9-to-6 job: How Chief Executive Nicolas Geahchan remains motivated

Chief Executive Nicolas Geahchan is both a creative leader and a business head. Nicolas has always considered advertising one of the most interesting jobs people could make. Creative professionals get paid to think creatively, and there's no way the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


CV + TLC = Job

by Jinx Jeffery, Dynamic New Alliances. I know a great deal of you reading this will probably have read something similar before, so please forgive me if some of this comes across in a wave of deja vu. But the information is clearly not sinking in -...

Posted by: Creativepool


YES Christmas is the best time to job hunt

Christmas is of course a time to reflect on the past year, meet up with friends, exchange gifts and celebrate, but did you know it is also the perfect time to look for a new job? You will be aware of some businesses are winding down and hiring has...

Posted by: Cogs Agency

Job Description: Lighting Designer 

The lighting designer coordinates heavily with the director and artistic director to determine what sort of lighting-related visuals will craft the desired result on stage. This can include anything from deciding what sort of lighting will create a...

Posted by: Creativepool


If You Want Creative Job Applicants, Make a Creative Application.

Our guest post from Erin Osterhaus, Managing Editor of The New Talent Times, explains why she believes you need a creative application to attract creative applicants. In creative industries, standard job applications don’t attract the right...

Posted by: Source

Job Description: Branding Designer

A branding designer shapes a brand and how it’s presented to the public. In order to breathe life into a brand and give it a tangible identity, a branding designer must express their thinking via words and imagery that cut through the noise and...

Posted by: Creativepool


How to... find a job in Web Design

We get emails almost everyday from people wanting web design jobs. However web design and web development jobs have become more and more sophisticated. If you are keen on landing employment in web design then read the notes below. You might also want...

Posted by: Creativepool

Job Description: 3D Artist

The third dimension has been enticing artists for decades, but it’s only in relatively recent years that some incredibly talented creatives have been able to truly utilise the flexibility, the depth, the power and the potential of 3D artistry....

Posted by: Creativepool


Do you have the most profitable freelance job?

What are the most profitable creative freelance jobs? Some will be quick to answer - and most of you would be right. When we think about making money with creative jobs, it’s hard not to think of web developers, copywriters, product designers -...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo

Job Description: Retoucher

The job of a retoucher is far more complicated and exciting than just making exceptionally pretty people even prettier. Editing images and videos, or photographic retouching, helps the creative present his or her project in the best light...

Posted by: Creativepool

Job Description: Creative Team

The Creative Team in the advertising, digital or marketing sector is responsible for generating attention-grabbing ideas that will entice the consumer or target audience. Members of the team work together to develop conceptual campaigns designed to...

Posted by: Creativepool


The Freelancer Guide: Being on the job

I wasn’t too sure whether to make this an article or not. But, I’ve learnt the importance of having a professional attitude to your work and relationship with your clients. This can be as simple as emails! No slang or abbreviations...

Posted by: Hashmukh Kerai


How to... Find a job in design

Finding a job in design is not particularly easy as it's one of the most competitive industries out there. Most design companies (when they advertise jobs) seem to always ask for at least 3 years experience, so the chicken and egg scenario starts....

Posted by: Creativepool


Devotion to doing a job well with Parkview Creative | #CompanySpotlight

Parkview is a London-based independent creative studio, working with brands to tell stories across film, photography, animation, and podcast production. This week we spoke to Rachel King, Founder and EP, to discuss how they work directly with brands,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


To: Creative Industry Job Seeker - Subject: Re Generic Email

Hi, Thanks for your generic email regarding work. Unfortunately there aren’t any positions available at this time. If you’re open to suggestions then please see below for a less generic reply. But if you’re not ready to hear it,...

Posted by: The Big A

Job Description: 3D Visualiser

3D visualisation is a synonym for computer-generated imagery, 3D rendering, 3D graphics, etc. All of these terms refer to the digital process of creating some graphical content by using 3D technology - that is the task of a 3D visualiser. This...

Posted by: Creativepool

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