
Dreams and football with Bronze winner Wunderman Thompson | #AnnualSpotlight

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The Annual 2021 winners have been revealed, unveiling some of the most exciting projects and companies in the history of Creativepool. Following a challenging year for the industry, a lot of the award-winning work was focused on inspiration and positive change; Play For Your Dreams wasn't different.

Disruption doesn't come with playing safe, and Wunderman Thompson Chile knows that well. As other Chilean brands were holding back on their position during the social uprising in Chile, Training Professional saw an opportunity to support all the protesters, by showing the power of sport and the importance of moving forward. This touching campaign impressed The Annual 2021 judges this year and was awarded a much deserved Bronze.

In this Annual 2021 Spotlight, we are learning more about Play For Your Dreams following a chat with Creative Director Boris Rojas.

View The Annual 2021 Winners!


Tell us about your winning submissions! What do you think impressed the judges?

I think one of the things that most impressed everyone is the wisdom to take the strength of an image that involves passion and struggle, and through the concept "play for your dreams" bring it to the core of the brand, of sport, where similar ideals apply when going out on the court. To appeal to that feeling that the people who were protesting in Chile for better rights were experiencing, risking a match for the future of the country... I think it’s super powerful for everyone. And it turned out, we finally won the game.

What felt unique about taking part in The Annual?

It’s a comforting thing. Feeling that the world is able to see the idea of your team, through a critical eye similar to the one you have developed in the idea is, as I said, comforting and motivating.

If you could name one reason that made you choose to enter this year, what would it be?

The conviction to have an idea of the level needed to fight for the top positions. To know in some way that the work presented has a universal language.


How do you plan to display your award?

Thanks to the work of the entire team at Wunderman Thompson Chile we have had very good results in creative competitions around the world. It will be a matter of putting it together with some others and publishing it on our Social Networks.

Will you enter again in 2022? If so, what are your hopes?

I believe that with this result anyone will want to continue, so we are already at the stage of developing ideas. And as for the hopes for 2022, it wouldn’t be bad to move to silver or gold.

What advice would you share with other agencies and individuals looking to grab an award?

That the essential thing is the work from the beginning, to test every text, every word, not to conform until seeing that what you found becomes a great idea... how? ... working.

How does winning awards such as The Annual impact your business?

Always a great prize reflects, as I said in the previous question, the work, the passion that one puts into what one loves and that is noticed by customers or prospects. "If this agency got this award, why not try if It can win one with my brand?"


Boris Rojas, Creative Director at Wunderman Thompson Chile.

This year’s winners are a testament to the power of creativity in hardship. How did Covid restrictions influence your winning projects and how did you approach these new challenges?

Of course, the Covid was all about it, but the most important thing was to be patient. Approvals, meetings, and decision-making were made a little slower, but there is nothing that work and mainly teamwork cannot beat. In this sense, I do not want to stop naming Francisco Carrión, the copywriter, with whom we were always pushing from the beginning.

What are your hopes for the industry in 2022 and beyond?

While the industry gives space to creativity, to ideas with purpose, it has a future. The world is made of ideas, from the beginning. If we accompany ideas with work and a sense of responsibility with society, we are on the right path. Advertising agencies are creators of ideas.

What is your most exciting project in the next year?

We are working on different projects that are very exciting for all of us. I’d rather not tell many details, I think I’d lose the surprise. We hope that in the next edition of the Festival the world can know and appreciate them as much as we do. 

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