
The Strategy Myth Unmasked

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Have you noticed how often “strategy” gets kicked around?

Like its the magic ingredient to sell everything.

And still, it means different things to different people.

Let me share what I think.

As a designer, like anyone in service or consulting, enhancing your service offerings with a strategic approach goes beyond task execution. This upgrade can notably boost your reputation and validate higher charges for your expertise.

Shifting from solely executing tasks to crafting strategic solutions not only adds value to your services but also positions you as a trusted advisor to your clients. By mastering the art of strategy, you can elevate your design business to new heights of success.

What does “strategy”actually mean?

Imagine asking ten individuals to define "strategy" and receiving ten diverse responses. While many may be accurate, few prove genuinely beneficial in practical application.

Consider responses like:

  • "Strategy is the answer to the question: 'How are we going to accomplish our objective?'"

  • "Strategy is a plan of action designed to achieve a major aim."

  • "Strategy is how to get from A to B."

  • "Strategy is knowing what NOT to do."

While these responses aren't incorrect, do they truly deepen your understanding of crafting effective strategies?

If not, it's time for a more precise definition.

One of the most practical definitions I've encountered stems from personal experience and Richard Rumelt's enlightening book, "Good Strategy, Bad Strategy":

"Strategy is a concise, high-level approach to achieving an objective by playing strengths against weaknesses in an unexpected way." - Richard Rumelt (Good Strategy, Bad Strategy)

Every word in this definition holds significance:

  1. Concise: A strategy must be succinct and memorable for effective communication and implementation.

  2. High-level Approach: It's not a detailed list of tasks but a broader approach guiding actions towards the objective.

  3. Achieving An Objective: Strategy must align with a clear objective; otherwise, it's aimless.

  4. Playing Strengths Against Weaknesses: Leveraging strengths against weaknesses is pivotal for success.

  5. An Unexpected Way: Effective strategies often incorporate an element of surprise, offering insights that are both unexpected and obvious in hindsight.

And #5, to me is the most important aspect. The Unexpected Way is what turns any strategy into something that could lead to innovation.

And isn’t that the most important objective?

While crafting strategies for less critical situations may not necessitate surprise, in high-stakes scenarios, it could be the deciding factor between success and failure.


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