ad: Annual 2024 Launch. Get Tickets!

Exclusive 50% discount to Who Needs Copywriters?


Copywriting has never been more important.

The success of digital media still depends on persuasive writing. Traditional media such as print, DM, or radio, cry out for great writers.
But where do copywriters go for inspiration?


Who Needs Copywriters? is a conference for writers and marketers, organised by The UK Speechwriters' Guild and A Thousand Monkeys, with Bournemouth University Media School. We've invited some of the UK's top copywriters to share their insights into great copywriting:


  • What makes a successful tweet
  • What makes copy persuasive
  • How direct response gets results
  • Making social media work
  • How to break creative deadlock

You'll have to time to compare notes with an audience of your fellow writers and marketers over tea, biscuits and lunch.


Secure a place at a discounted rate with Promotional Code WNCPOOL.


DAY 1 Thursday 18 April

2pm - 5pm -  Words that Work for Business Workshop

An intensive introduction into using words that persuade customers to do what you want them to do

7pm - 9pm - Conference Quiz & Dinner


DAY 2 Friday 19 April

10am - 5pm - Who Needs Copywriters? Conference

Listen to the top exponents of the craft at the Bournemouth University Executive Business Centre

5pm - Post-conference networking at Kayla


See Key Speakers and find out more information.


Who will benefit?

Previous conferences have attracted writers from the CBI, Orange, Deloitte, Coca Cola, Skandia, Afia, The Quiet Room, The Writer, 26 and the Arts Council.

Whether you’re a freelance writer or work for an agency you’ll leave with plenty of ideas to refresh your approach to writing.

And if you work in marketing, briefing or creating writing, you’ll understand more about what makes a great piece of copy.


Why go?

  • Your next piece of copy will be even better thanks to your new knowledge
  • You’ll be able to network with a diverse range of writers from all backgrounds
  • You’ll understand what makes writing persuasive
  • You’ll hear about the latest trends in marketing communications


Purchase tickets using Promotional Code WNCPOOL


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ad: Annual 2024 Launch. Get Tickets!