
Creativepool Annual Spotlight: Mother make us laugh and cry

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Having begun life almost 30 years ago with just three incredibly creative individuals sat around a table, Mother has blossomed in the last few decades into one of the most beloved agencies not only in London but the creative world at large.

Mother is also an agency that has been a major part of the Creativepool community since 2013 and has been behind several featured projects and award-winning Annual entries over the last seven years, many of which can be found on their profile page.

Last year, however, the agency stormed the Annual, taking home an impressive 5 entries as well as 2 People’s Choice awards. 

They claimed a Bronze and PC award for their incredibly tongue-in-cheek work for KFC, another Bronze in the category of TV Advertising for their smart and silly Moneysupermarket spot and, most notably, a Gold and PC win in the Effectiveness category for their incredible ‘Rang-tan’ work for Greenpeace. This is a campaign that truly got tongues wagging and remains one of the most fascinating and important pieces of creative from the last decade.

But the icing on the cake must have been being declared the Agency of the Year with a Gold award to mark the occasion.

We caught up with Mother ahead of the 2020 Annual Launch to pick their brains on everything from their winning campaigns to how they feel the creative landscape has shifted in the last 12 months.

How did you find out about the Creativepool Annual initially?

Very good question, and the truthful answer is we’re not 100% sure. It will have been someone mentioning it to someone else who thought it was a good idea and we’ve kept thinking that. 

Where do you keep your bespoke copies of the Annual? 

They are with the respective teams behind the winning campaigns, of course. 

What do you think it is about your winning campaigns, in particular, that resonated with the judges and the community? 

We hope that it’s because people took our work to heart, talked about and shared it. 

What do you think it is about the Creativepool Annual that sets it apart from other awards within the creative industries? 

It’s good to be recognised by our peers, so having the people’s choice element is a great way to make that really count.

On a more general level, do you think awards and award ceremonies are still an important part of the creative landscape? 

We’re not going to lie, there’s a lot of advertising awards, which can be bewildering to navigate so making the choice of what to enter is the important decision. There’s only so many trophies that you want to collect or entry forms you have time to fill in!

How do you feel the creative landscape shifted in 2019?

Creativity is always shifting, it has to otherwise it’ll become obsolete.

What are your hopes for 2020 and will you be attending the Annual launch party this year?

2020 is already shaping up to be a year of flux and uncertainty, so we’re hoping that the creative answers help to make things more stable yet more fun.

Submit your work today for the Creativepool Annual 2020. To enter your best work from 2019, to be included in the Annual 2020, click HERE and to nominate Agency/Brand, Newcomer, Influencer of the Year or Best Place to Work click HERE. Best of luck and we look forward to seeing you at the Annual launch party on May 28th.


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