
Behind the nature of plastic with Cheil - #BehindTheIdea

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Right when you start thinking that creativity cannot be pushed any further, there will always be a campaign such as this one by Cheil Central America ready to amaze any advertising professional out there.

The Nature of Plastic was born out of a partnership between Cheil and Greenpeace, urging consumers in Chile and beyond to stop plastic pollution. The team recreated famous landscapes and satellite images from Chile with plastic bags and materials, aiming to send the message that "plastic is everywhere." An incredibly powerful campaign with equally amazing messaging.

Today we are getting Behind the Idea to learn more about how this campaign was brought to life, from concept to release.


What was the brief?

Stop the consumption of unnecessary plastics in Chile.

How did the initial pitch/brainstorming phase go?

Greenpeace has a powerful voice that has set the tone for this campaign. From the beginning, we knew we wanted to create a stunning visual campaign that could effectively reflect what plastic pollution is doing to nature.


Tell us more about the concept. How did it come to life, and why was it the right choice?

From a different perspective, "The Nature of Plastic" exposes a clear message: Plastic is everywhere. We developed this campaign to raise awareness of how plastic is modifying all our landscapes irreversibly, even in protected environments. If we act now, we can stop the spread of plastic.

What was the production process like? What was the biggest challenge?

This project's challenge was to recreate diverse, intricate satellite images of Chile's landscapes, made from ordinary plastic bags - elements where beauty is unusual to find.

In "The Nature of Plastic" campaign, we had to work in a limited workspace. There was such a delicate balance between the scales required and the light we used to reach that point where plastic transformed into a landscape. We were focused on positioning the camera in the exact spot to unveil something that was already there, on those plastic textures under an unexpected new identity: Nature.


What is one funny or notable thing that happened during the production of the campaign?

We had to work tirelessly with the plastic materials, electrostatic response, and unpredictable creasing to craft these recognisable images of nature. All created from something entirely unnatural - the very human-made plastic pollution that is overtaking nature.

What's the main message of the campaign and why does it matter?

We transform iconic Chilean landscapes into plastic to reflect the damage this crisis is causing in nature. The main message to every execution highlights the truth that “PLASTIC IS EVERYWHERE” and features the call to action: “SCAN TO STOP THE SPREAD – an embedded QR code triggers an online petition to sign. Inspired by the western world’s phenomenal uptake of QR code usage during the pandemic, the focus is on seamless mobile interplay to help people make better choices and – more importantly – to take real action by petitioning leaders to change their policies around plastics.


What is one unique aspect of the campaign?

We want to show that plastic, in its different forms - microplastics - covers the earth completely through a visual and straightforward message. With beautiful and artistic images, we represent this unprecedented and horrible crisis.

How long did it take from inception to delivery?

It took us two months. 


What do you hope it achieves for the brand?

This was a unique opportunity for Cheil Central America to work with Greenpeace Chile in an entirely new market. With "The Nature of Plastic", we want to contribute to Greenpeace's cause to stop plastic pollution in Chile and beyond.

Credit list for the campaign?

President: Kyung Keun Choi
Creative Director: Mariana Peluffo
Copywriter: Mariana Peluffo
Graphic Production: Antonio Valdés
Account Director: Erika Campos
Account Manager: Rosana Pérez
Account Media Executive: Martín Romero
Director of Photography / Production / Art: Diego Salas 
Photography: Segundo Luchia Puig / Santiago Mendez Isla 
Prop Master: Ángel Ramirez 
Digital Retouching: Diego Salas 

Production House: CYLNDR Chile

Post Production House: Ratio
Video Digital Retouching House: Ilusión Art Agency

Client: Greenpeace

Project Leader: Soledad Acuña



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