
The 5 Best Online Platforms to Support Your Mental Health as a Creative #MentalHealthMonth

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They say creativity is its own reward and sometimes that can be (at least partially). But when you choose to leave the comforting embrace of “normal work” and dive headfirst into the creative industries, you’re casting aside more than just 9-5 drudgery. Creative careers, you see, can offer their own demons.

Be it the constant drive to generate the most innovative ideas, the perpetual pressure of the next deadlines or the bitter pangs of rejection when an idea you genuinely loved is thrown aside like soiled tissue paper, there is no shortage of stress to shoulder, and it can really take a toll on your mental health.

Of course, you should always reach out to friends, family members and professionals if you feel like you’re really struggling to cope but if that’s simply not an option or you don’t feel you’ve got quite to that point yet, there are several online platforms specifically designed to help creative manage stress, boost creativity, and prioritize mental well-being.

Headspace - Meditation Made Easy


Headspace is a meditation and mindfulness app that offers guided meditation sessions and mindfulness exercises. Creatives often benefit from these practices as they help reduce stress, improve focus, and enhance creativity. Headspace provides a variety of meditation sessions, including those tailored to boosting creativity and managing anxiety. It's a user-friendly platform that can easily be integrated into your daily routine, whether you need a quick five-minute breather or a longer session to reset your creative mind.

BetterHelp - Online Therapy for Creatives


BetterHelp is an online therapy platform that connects you with licensed therapists and counselors via text, video, or voice chat. Creatives can face unique mental health challenges, such as creative block or imposter syndrome, and having a therapist who understands these issues can be incredibly beneficial. BetterHelp offers the convenience of therapy from the comfort of your own space, making it easier to seek help when you need it.

The Artist's Way Online - Creative Recovery and Inspiration


The Artist's Way is a well-known book by Julia Cameron that helps artists and creatives overcome creative blocks and self-doubt. The Artist's Way Online offers an interactive platform where you can engage in creative recovery and inspiration with the support of a community. It provides a structured program with weekly tasks and discussions to help you reignite your creativity and maintain your mental health.

7 Cups - Peer Support for Creatives


Sometimes, talking to someone who understands your struggles as a creative can be immensely comforting. 7 Cups offers peer support through trained listeners who are available to chat with you about your concerns. Whether you want to vent about a challenging project or seek advice on balancing your creative endeavors with your mental health, 7 Cups provides a safe and empathetic space to connect with others who've been there.

Creativepool - Networking and Inspiration


Creativepool is a platform that focuses on networking and showcasing creative work. It provides opportunities for creatives to connect with others in their industry, share their portfolios, and find inspiration from the work of their peers. Networking and collaborating with other creatives can be a source of support and motivation. Creativepool can help you build a supportive network and find encouragement in the creative community.

Any I missed? Feel free to let me know in the comments below!

Header image by Paul Pateman


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