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Spotlight - Chris Hannah - Art Director


- View Chris's Creativepool profile




‘Network, but don't be pushy. You're more likely to find work through people you know'

*How long have you been a Freelancer for?
Around three years.  

Describe your work in one sentence.
Freelance Art Director and Designer trying to make you judge a book (favourably) by its cover.

What's the most important thing you've learnt in your line of work?
Someone once said, that you should think of designing a book cover as if it were a mini-poster. I like that approach.

What attracted you to your chosen field?
The ability to be creative based around a narrative. Plus the buzz of seeing your work on the shelves.

Tell us about your best project to date.
There have been a few, but I did enjoy getting to design the cover for 101 Whiskies to Try Before You Die by Ian Buxton. I was briefed to come up with something a bit different, which would stand out from the usual ‘tartan and misty hills' more often associated with the market. Which I like to think I managed, as it's been reprinted several times in its first six months.

What sets you apart from your competitors?
*I work hard, on deadline, and can turn my hand to a variety of graphic styles, utilising a broad skill set from art direction and design, to photography and illustration. I also like to think my passion shows through, as I normally provide a number of creative routes to each brief.

If you could work on any project for any company/organisation, what would it be and who would it be for?
It goes without saying that working on some of the Penguin classics would be a dream.

What frustrates you the most about your job?
The arrival of the Kindle. Great for reading. Bad for book cover designers.

What pearl of wisdom can you offer to someone thinking about starting out as a freelancer?
Network, but don't be pushy. You're more likely to find work through people you know.

If you could have ONE super power, what would it be?
Time travel.

What can a prospective customer expect from you?
An eye-catching and original design that will get you noticed.


What's your favourite bit of kit?
My new Apple screen – it's big and glossy.

Tell us a random fact about yourself.
I once won a Starsky and Hutch impression competition on The Graham Norton show (judged by the men themselves).

What's your favourite song of all time?
Too many, but probably between Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen and Only in Dreams by Weezer.

What is your favourite App?

What do you like about Creativepool?
It provides great source of information for all levels of the creative industry and helps promote creativity.


If you want to be in the spotlight, email us with examples of your work or a link to your Creativepool profile.


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