
Jack Fairclough


Creativepool profile: creativepool.co.uk/LittleHoudini

Website: littlehoudini.co.uk(under construction)

Facebook: is for stalkers!

Twitter: twitter.com/littlehoudinii

" Hi I'm Jack….I will illustrate/animate and design for food! "

How long have you been a Freelancer for?
Just over 2 years.

Describe your work in one sentence.
A child-like style on an acid trip.

Who are some of the clients you have worked for?
Cadbury, McDonalds, Haagen Dazs, Cartoon Network and Grolsch.

What's the most important thing you've learned in your line of work?
Learn to say NO, otherwise you'll end up working yourself to death.

What attracted you to your chosen field?
I guess it would be the fact that you don't do the same thing day in day out and there are so many different jobs you can do in the art-world.

Tell us about your best project to date.
Working in the design team for the Cadbury Joyville Fountain and getting lots of free chocolate.

What sets you apart from your competitors?
I'm not trying to compete, I'm just doing my own thing and having a great time doing it.

If you could work on any project for any company/organisation, what would it be and who would it be for?
I would love to work on an Adidas campaign simply because they are a brand that is at the forefront of popular culture. I would enjoy the creative challenge of combining the influences they have within sport, music and fashion and producing something that gives the brand the creative edge they have held for the past thirty years.

What frustrates you the most about your job?
Not having enough time to work on every project that comes my way. That and the little bouncing icons on my macbook, their like needy children wanting attention.

What pearl of wisdom can you offer to someone thinking about starting out as a freelancer?
Don't be a doormat! You have to find the right balance of being sympathetic to the clients needs and your own.

If you could have ONE super power, what would it be?

What's your favourite bit of kit?
My Major Marshall headphones, so I can catch up on some music while i'm working.

Tell us a random fact about yourself.
I'm a massive music nerd.

What's your favourite song of all time?
It's hard to say, there are so many. At the moment it's Hurricane by Bob Dylan.

What is your favourite app?
Doodle bootcamp.

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