
Industry Influencers: Pancho González

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Pancho González is co-founder and chief creative officer at Inbrax Chile. Despite being one of the region’s top creatives, he only got into advertising because he didn’t get the qualifications needed to study medicine.

However, he says It turned out to be the opportunity of a lifetime and below offers insight into his creative career and life at Inbrax.


What makes your company unique?

To begin with, my wife is a partner in the company. This gives a unique female leadership; she takes care of the collaborators while I focus on creativity and clients.

We have a network of friends, suppliers and contacts at international level that no other Chilean agency has which allows us to access quality and updated information for each business category. We adopt changes as a value proposition even if sometimes it is not a good business. The important thing is to learn and keep growing.

How would you describe your current strategy and how does it align with the wider landscape?

Our value proposition has been based on change and continuous improvement, a phenomenon that many colleagues are living in more developed markets. The millennial generation has already taken over half of the workforce and in the case of Inbrax is 90%. They are the ones who run it and therefore we have created a digital ecosystem appropriate to the way they work.

How has your client list changed over the past year?

We've been having a natural evolution with regards to this issue. We win and lose accounts every year, and usually those we lose tend to admit they can't pay for the services of an agency like ours. We participate in many associations that allow us to feed our network and in order to know when a brand is bidding as well as a strong presence in specialised media that our potential clients are looking at.

How important is company culture?

It's what moves companies. At Inbrax, we generate inclusion as a pillar, foster a leadership ecosystem, promote horizontality in business management and challenge each member's capabilities to the fullest. We have a policy of the doors being open to all, the owners are involved in what the team needs, they encourage autonomy (which we're still improving on) and sponsor any type of activity that feeds creativity in the agency.

How do you keep morale high?

Making mistakes isn't a problem. The point is to do it fast, at a low cost and move forward. That means we learn and understand the way to do it to avoid mistakes.

What makes a company successful?

The main thing is the owner’s involvement in the day to day business, constantly studying and giving that extra 10%, especially in the millennial age.

If you had to choose one thing that has shaped your career what would it be?

Professionally being part of the jury at Cannes Lions, personally being married to Carol and emotionally being a father.

What advice would you give to someone with aims of becoming a creative leader?

You need to have conviction, that's the initial step. It's a job that doesn't stop. It's 24/7 and you need energy. You should sleep well, rest, travel, play sports, play with your children, read and do everything that keeps you energetic. Finally, define your brand, tone and style. Always communicate it in the same way in order to build your personal brand in this business.

What do you see for the future of the industry and where does your company fit into that?

The internet of things will continue to surprises in the field of marketing and communications. I see data dominating creative decisions.


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