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David Airey


Twitter: @DavidAirey

When did you start out blogging?
October 2006. Kind of by accident, really. I didn't know what a blog was, or how important it would turn out to be in terms of my continued self-employment.

How did you choose your blog name?
I give my parents credit, and thankfully I never did stick with my first trading name (New Dawn Graphics — terrible).

What is it all about?
Graphic design, photography, advertising, business, life. Anything I find interesting enough to share, really. Thankfully, what interests me tends to interest a lot of others, too.

Why did you start up the blog?
Initially it was to drive traffic to my website in order to attract new design clients. It didn't take long to realise the other benefits — making contacts in the design profession, learning from reader comments, discovering beautiful work from all over the world.

What do you do when you're not blogging?
I'm currently writing my second book, due to be published in October. Other than that I watch films, play football, go running, spend time with my family and friends. Last weekend I did my first skydive, a tandem jump given to me as a birthday present. Amazing! Highly recommended.

If you could be in one place in the world right now, where would it be?
Himalaya base camp. I've never been, but always wanted to go. The photos I've seen of the Himalayas are just incredible.

Who or what is your main inspiration?
There's no one main source, but to name a few, my parents, people living with disabilities, nature, architecture. Perhaps not inspiration, but those I've met (either online or in person) through my websites are a huge source of motivation.


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