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Best of the web


by John Fountain.

Looking for a bit of creative inspiration over the festive season? Yep, me too. Never mind, let's make do with some weird, wild, crazy, funny and stupid stuff that I've tracked down on the web.

Take a bunch of random comments and feedback from clients and create some wonderful little messages, all in aid of Temple Street Children's Hospital.  

Let Gandma loose over Christmas with a large black wobbly thing. Quite weird/clever. Shake vigorously for climatic ending.

Hidden camera work captures people bricking it in a lift. Very funny. Very brilliant.

Ever wondered what it would be like to hang from the wing of a sea plane? Amazing 360 views that you can control yourself. /

A guy with way too much time on his hands builds a pop-up book out of lego.

For those who need a hug from a bunch of weird looking strangers.

Human Flesh Meat Market opens In London. OK, so it's a PR stunt for a new computer game. Feeling squeamish?

You know you want to heeeeeey. Well now you can also hooooo.

Some quite brilliant pics here, famous people doing nothing more than hanging out with other famous people.

Finally, the late great Goucho Marx is invited to say a few nice words about the legendary TV host Johnny Carson and makes the most of the opportunity.

John Fountain is a writer and blogger.
Twitter: @fountainjohn


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