
5 minutes with... Silas Amos - JKR



Tell us what you do for a living and who you work for?
I think, often in pictures, for JKR, coming up with a slice of the creative content and strategy for our FMCG packaging work. Clients like Unilever, Mars, Diageo.

What does that involve?
The best answers come from the best questions – I try and hone the question at the front end of a job, and ensure the answer has good legs at the back end. In between a lot of talking, listening, doodling and looking at the interweb. Hardly work is it?

How did you get started in the industry?
Having spent three years studying information graphics I took a job in packaging where that training was of negligible use. I joined JKR at it's birth in 1990 when I couldn't yet grow a full beard, so I'm a lifer.

What would you be doing if you weren't doing that?
Fantasy: living a Tom Waits song. Reality: living a Tom Waits song in a bad way.

What's your all-time favourite piece of creative work?
The opening shot of Star Wars.

What do you love about your job?
The variety, and the chance to use imagination to help make things.

What do you hate about your job?
Too much time spent on the M25 and its locales.

Tell us your favourite website
It's not a website, it's an email newsletter (or whatever the groovy name is for such a thing) from The Word magazine – a weekly dose of lateral inspiration.

If you could give one piece of advice, what would it be?
I hesitate to presume I can dole out advice, but...Love many, trust few, learn to paddle your own canoe. I wrote that on a beer bottle once, but no matter how junior you are, don't rely on the senior to fix the job; you are the solution.

Where can people follow you online?
I write about design and design trends for a marketing readership most workdays.
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