
5 minutes with... Ben Winter - Sapient



How did you get started in the industry? 
Started at an integrated agency, in South Africa, as an Art Director, after completing a degree in Fine Art.

What would you be doing if you weren't doing that?
Making Movies

What's your current favourite piece of creative work?

What do you love about your job?
Getting paid to be creative, what's not to love?

If you could give one piece of advice for someone starting out, what would it be?
Be tenacious

If you have one Super power what would it be?
Super Strength

What do you want to be when you grow up?

What was your worst job and what did you learn from it?
I have not really had a worst job, everything I have done; I have given it my all. Every step is a way up.

You have already worked with some amazing brands, ideally who would be next?
An entertainment studio like DreamWorks would be interesting

iPhone or Blackberry?

Your favourite app?
Met Office, so I know when the sun is shining

Playstation or Wii?

Too Cool for School or too School for Cool? 
Too School for Cool?

Facebook or Twitter?

Eat In or eat out?
Eat In


*For two decades Sapient has helped its clients anticipate, navigate and leverage change. Their deeply engrained technology heritage, runs through all of their businesses like a foundational thread, and has allowed them to utilize technology to its fullest business application and creative expression, giving their clients something that, in today's business climate, they simply can't succeed without: the ability to quickly and confidently adapt to ever-changing conditions. Visit the website


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