Displaying 37 - 72 of 5759 results



Has the disappearance of cookies reignited creative video advertising?

The invention of cookies in 1994 changed the web forever. And with their 'death' in 2023, the fate of the internet hangs in the balance again. The disappearance of cookies has kick-started a new era of innovation in online privacy, and reminded us...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Has Gen Z become too trigger happy for old school advertising?

Does anybody remember actively looking forward to the adverts? I do. We’re talking about the halcyon days of the mid-90’s here, when TV advertisements were proper events that sent shockwaves across the playground. Today, it’s only...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The big advertising shift towards purpose 

In 2015, audiences on social media platforms hit a critical mass. Brands suddenly needed to find a new way to speak to consumers. It seems unthinkable now that we all create thousands of video formats for single ad campaigns but it was a much simpler...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Blockchain: Solving the media and advertising sector's challenges

There are over 6,500 different cryptocurrencies, all varying in size of market capitalisation, which have different followings and trading volumes. Some of these are meme coins that have a supporting business model flimsier than a house of cards....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Porky polls: people lie in surveys, so how do you get to the facts?

There aren’t many studies examining how frequently people lie. It is lunacy to assume that respondents will truthfully answer questions about how truthful they are. Neither is it socially desirable to brand yourself a liar - even in an...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Build Your Art Direction Advertising Portfolio From Scratch

Hey all! It's been a while. Anyways, I did a thing! I wrote a book to help aspiring art directors come up with ideas, build their creative portfolio from scratch, and land a job in the advertising industry. You can check out the book on Amazon here!...

Posted by: Kevin Forister


Blockchain: Solving the media and advertising sector’s challenges

There are over 6,500 different cryptocurrencies, all varying in size of market capitalisation, which have different followings and trading volumes. Some of these are meme coins which have a supporting business model flimsier than a house of cards....

Posted by: The PR Boutique


A quick and handy introduction to in-game advertising

Did you know that, whether your next client’s business is relevant to gamers or not, it doesn’t really matter anymore? Surely if you want to create a fully-fledged integrated campaign to target a gaming audience, you should probably...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How Dynamic Advertising can help fight ad fatigue

Context, context, context. As the cookieless future approaches, we will hear more about context and contextual advertising, be it location-based or else. In an ever-shifting brandscape triggered by the pandemic, the need for increased...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


We are the only ones to blame for the advertising/audience divide

Ever heard of the Pretentious-O-Meter? Neither did I, until earlier today. There is a known reality in the film industry that sees film critics as being constantly disconnected from the end audience. Ratings from critics are often unforgiving and...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Here's how Gamification will change advertising

You are having a stroll on the main high street, on your way to your favourite park in town. A few steps away from the main gates, you see a man running towards you. He looks scared. Click here to dodge him. Click here to stop him. You dodge the...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Forget VR – The future of advertising is Mixed Reality

Virtual Reality is now. If most of the advertising industry hasn’t jumped on the VR ship yet, you can bet we will soon - or at least, as soon as those incredibly expensive headsets become a bit more affordable (or attractive?) for the general...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How to choose an advertising agency

The world of advertising does not work the way it does in Mad Men. Or at least, it doesn’t anymore. Indeed, it is often argued in some corners that a lot of the ‘old-school’ romance of the industry has been eradicated by decades of...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Do you need a degree to work in advertising?

Freelancer or not, the dream of working in advertising is real for many creative professionals out there. It gives us a career prospect and a much concrete way to give shape to our dreams. As much as it would be lovely to live off prints and short...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Legends of Advertising: Sir Martin Sorrell

Few people in advertising can hope to compete with the fame and legacy of Sir Martin Stuart Sorrell. At the age of 76 and counting, the historic founder of WPP is still very much in the game, a proof of character with no equals in advertising and...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Everyone hates advertising, until they lose their Dog

Then they want to figure out the best way of stopping people in their tracks, taking notice, and finding Fido. The same is happening with brands with a focus, or increased interest in digital. Every brief asks creatives to think...

Posted by: Simon Manchipp


Will advertising succumb to UX?

Digital, digital, digital. Among the many things this pandemic has shown, the need to develop a digital presence took centre stage and demonstrated how some brands have probably been clinging onto their real-life, physical origins for one year too...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The worst practices in LGBT+ marketing and advertising

Stereotypes, inconsistencies, hypocrisy - some campaigns have them all, others just a few. The LGBT+ community can’t afford the privilege to say they are loved everywhere they go, and it’s perfectly fine for brands and campaigns to try...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Advertising & Marketing Trends that will dominate 2021

2020 is officially over. To many, January is rebirth, repurpose, refocus - a chance to reflect on what didn’t work the year before and build on our successes for a better future. Except this time most of us probably won’t have a lot of...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Best Advertising Campaigns of 2020

10 of the best marketing and advertising campaigns from 2020. A global pandemic wasn’t enough to stop the advertising industry. In fact, I dare argue this was one of the most poignant, engaging and compelling years for advertising ever. We...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


There is a crisis of creativity in advertising

There is a crisis of creativity in advertising. You have probably heard these very words or a variation in the past few years. Campaigns striving to touch on the same key points, unoriginal tropes used over and over again - things are starting to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The brilliant self-campaign of London Advertising

Turns out advertising agencies are not the best folks when it comes to following their own advice. Constantly helping brands cut through with some witty voice or compelling storytelling, they tend to forget to do the same about...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Advertising & Creativity in a Time of a Crisis

Pandemic. Lockdown. Quarantine. All concepts which most of us could have reasonably hoped we would never experience. And yet here we are entering another week of Zoom calls, home schooling, and … is it too early to have a glass of wine...

Posted by: Richard Holman


Let's Stop BSing In Advertising

We're all at least a little bit guilty of at some point BSing our way through a presentation, from talking about industry-changing trends that still aren't completely defined (like 5G) as if we're experts, or throwing a skill on our résumé that...

Posted by: Kevin Forister


Interview Questions For Advertising Creatives

If you're prepping for an upcoming interview in the creative advertising field (specifically to become an Art Director or a Copywriter), this video just might be for you. The contents of this video contain questions I've asked in interviews over the...

Posted by: Kevin Forister


Looking Forward: What Will 2020 Bring for Digital Advertising?

Over the last ten years, digital advertising has come a very long way. At the turn of 2010, we were only beginning to see the very early potential of video ads, we weren’t quite aware of the impact that social media would have on the industry...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Is an Internet Without Advertising Possible?

What does your digital utopia look like? Can the internet be governed? Or do we have to fundamentally change how it works? I believe that the internet would benefit greatly from having all advertising removed. It feels weird to think about that....

Posted by: Studio Black Tomato


Does advertising lack originality?

They say Christmas is a time for giving. But first it’s a time for watching all the big brand ads so we can decide what to give and where to spend our money. And with the bulk of this year’s spots now released, what do they say about the...

Posted by: Ryan Watson

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