Displaying 5725 - 5759 of 5759 results



CV Tips For Graphic Designers

1. Keep to an A4 size This is pretty obvious. Who is going to print out an A3 CV for their records anyway? Provide your potential employers the convenience as they are really busy people. It's politeness. They will need to print out your CV for...

Posted by: Creativepool


Tintin and the adventures of performance capture

Any regular movie-goer will be familiar with the use of CGI effects in sci-fi, fantasy and other animated movies. They can be as or even more visually stunning than a 'real' film because the only limit is the imagination of the director and the...

Posted by: Creativepool


Ten of the best image editors

The range of image manipulation software available has grown significantly. Whether you're looking to create a digital art masterpiece or just want to quickly take the red reflections out your friend's eyes or crop them out the shot entirely, there...

Posted by: Creativepool


The top ten evolutions of the Rubik's Cube

The humble Rubik's Cube has come a long way since it's inception in 1974. The original version of the cube still remains cool in its simplicity but in the last 37 years we have seen its reincarnation and influence in everything from awesome...

Posted by: Creativepool


Where's The Talent?

by Simon Harle, Dynamaic New Alliances. No matter where you look at the moment in the industry, there is a severe shortage of true talent! For the last 18/24 months the lack of digital PM's, AM's, SAM's and AD's has been discussed, questioned and...

Posted by: Creativepool


Vinnie Chieco. The freelance copywriter who named the iPod.

The year is 2001. Vinnie Chieco, a freelance copywriter from San Francisco is sitting in the offices of Apple Inc. He and a small group of other freelance writers are here to name a rather interesting new product Apple is launching. Before the...

Posted by: Creativepool


The top ten USB gadgets

The USB ports in our computers have facilitated a wide range of different product and marketing opportunities. From guitars that can be plugged straight into our computers to nifty branded storage freebies that get handed out like sweets at IT...

Posted by: Creativepool


I'm not with stupid. I am stupid.

As many of you will know Topman has recently got itself in a bit of trouble with some new T-shirt designs featuring some rather questionable slogans. But given that the emotional responses these novelty slogan T-shirts usually conjure up range from...

Posted by: Creativepool


Social Media and Recruitment

Social Media Week took place in London during February. For those who don’t know, Social Media Week is an annual event which is run all over the world. There are live streams to view and hashtags to follow, so you can keep up with the...

Posted by: Creativepool


It works or we fix it for free. The story of the Zippo lighter.

One evening in 1933, above a garage in Bradford, Pennsylvania, George G. Blaisdell clicked open the first ever Zippo lighter. That was more than 425 million Zippo lighters ago. Today in a world where products are redesigned on impulse rather than...

Posted by: Creativepool


Stay healthy. Get a tattoo.

If I started talking about epidermal electronics, you might well click away from this post because you think I'm going to blind you with science. But if I referred instead to electronic tattoos, you might be able to have a reasonable guess at what...

Posted by: Creativepool


The 25 best horror movie posters

You probably see it hundreds of time each and every day. Whether it's on the side of a bus or on the underground, the poster for 'Final Destination 5' seems to be absolutely everywhere at the moment. Maybe part of the reason they felt comfortable...

Posted by: Creativepool


How to... Use your blog

Chris Unitt is the managing director of Meshed Media. He was editor of Created in Birmingham, winner of Best UK Blog 2008, before recently standing down and now helps artists and arts organisations to make the most of the internet. How to use your...

Posted by: Creativepool


Jinx's Magnificent 7 Creative Tips

By Jinx Jeffery, Dynamic News Alliances 1. Keep on top of all of the latest software! As a creative this is where your ideas are realised right down to the last file in production. CS5 was out in June and still it hasn't been adopted by many studios...

Posted by: Creativepool


Motionless pictures - are graphic novels the new movies?

When we were kids (assuming everyone is over 40, because it makes me feel better) we read the comics and grown ups went to the pictures. Sure, we queued for Star Wars and Jaws, but flat images of impossibly ripped blokes and pneumatic ladies in...

Posted by: Creativepool


Professional development courses: a load of old tosh?

If, like me, you are registered with a number of job sites, you will probably get a weekly or even daily glut of emails telling you that you really ought to think about taking some sort of training course. Be it a course in Dreamweaver, Flash or...

Posted by: Creativepool


Meet Andrew Finan

Andrew Finan is a UK entrepreneur who has worked with games most of his life. In the nineties he ran a series of international chess events in the USA, Russia, Germany, France, the UK and Spain. They culminated in the World Chess Championship Final...

Posted by: Creativepool


Angela Kohler

"When I was small I wanted to be a ballerina, or a painter, or a magician, or a trapeze artist. Now I am a photographer, which is kind of like being all of those things, only you get to fly more and don't have to worry as much about your figure." -...

Posted by: Creativepool


Dr Who theme standing the test of time(lords)...

I can name three things which sent me running for cover behind the sofa when I was a child. The film Jaws especially with the entry of John Williams' iconic two-note blood-chilling theme; another Jaws, but this time from James Bond, bearing his...

Posted by: Creativepool


Meet Andy Hayes (Part 1)

Andy has over 18 years' agency experience, mostly in project management and co-leads one of the design teams at The Partners. Or rather, he did, because in a few days he'll be saying a tearful goodbye to everyone, including his wife and family, and...

Posted by: Creativepool


World Cup Posters

So you're all ready to go. The brand new Full HDTV has arrived. The iPhone app uploaded. The Daily Star wall chart is mounted over the fireplace. And a replica of the trophy created entirely from beer cans has started to form in your lounge. Yes,...

Posted by: Creativepool


Going underground

400 miles of track (only 150 of which are actually underground), 180 million passengers a year and one 300 foot moving walkway in engineering terms alone, the London Underground system is a staggering achievement. However, the role the network has...

Posted by: Creativepool


F1: We Have A Winner

There are few sports as glitzy and glamorous as Formula 1. It's like rock'n'roll without the drugs but with everything else. A multi-billion dollar industry with fast cars (er, obviously), dashing men in shades, 'pit babes' (apologies to the...

Posted by: Creativepool


Japan: Censoring The Arts.

Creatives in Japan are currently up in arms about a new form of censorship legislation which is in the process of being approved by the authorities. The Federal Province of Tokyo has made it illegal for creative companies to portray any female...

Posted by: Creativepool


Dyson's Air Multiplier: it does what it says on the box.

This week, the soothsayers at BBC's weather centre promised me the dizzying heights of 22 degrees Celsius. Frankly, that would make a nice change because spring so far this year has been rubbish. If I didn't know better, I'd say that there was some...

Posted by: Creativepool


Inspiration - where are you?

Getting paid to be creative is for the most part, brilliant. You get to run down the deepest rabbit holes of your imagination, retrieve the most far fetched and wildest ideas and then present them to the wider world. There are other perks such as not...

Posted by: Creativepool


How to start your own fashion label: by the founder of Oops!

Over the coming weeks I am going to sniff out some exciting creative entrepreneurs who will hopefully give you a little hope and encouragement if you are in the process of setting up your own business. I used to go to University down in Brighton and...

Posted by: Creativepool


You have one billion Farmville gift requests. Accept or ignore?

Do you know what Farmville is? If not, lucky you. I do, unfortunately. Long story short, it's a Facebook application where you can tend to your own virtual farm: buying crops, animals, outbuildings...and last year you could even buy fireworks for New...

Posted by: Creativepool


Seed Cathedral

In Shanghai, the talk is of one thing only. It stands 60 feet high, looks like a giant pincushion and it sways in the breeze. It's called The Seed Cathedral and we, the people of the United Kingdom, have sent it as a gift. Seed Cathedral is no...

Posted by: Creativepool


Recruitment webshites

Last week, Michael (MD of Creativepool and my boss at least some of the time, as far as blogging is concerned) sent out an email entitled "We are not a recruitment agency!" Bold words, you might think, given that the one-liner under the email...

Posted by: Creativepool


From the people that brought us Kinetic Cats

Upon deciding that Brooklyn creative agency Labour were to be the first topic of my first Creativepool blog, you cannot begin to imagine how long I toyed with the idea of a political pun for the blog title. So long, in fact, that I was beginning to...

Posted by: Creativepool


iCame, iSaw, iBought. Now I'm iHooked.

There may be "an app for just about anything", but have we gone a bit nuts over the iPhone? Boys with toys. A bit of a generalisation, as rhyming adages go, but one which I think is more true today than ever before. No matter how old I get (and...

Posted by: Creativepool


A plug wins the Brit Insurance Design Awards 2010.

Back in 2008 Brit Insurance and the Design Museum teamed up to bring us the Brit Insurance Design Award an international, annual award ceremony and supporting exhibition for up and coming designers in the categories of architecture, fashion,...

Posted by: Creativepool

Predictions for 2009 from Workstation

Making predictions in the current market is verging on the impossible. Commentators across the board have varying views on how it is going to pan out and how long the recovery is going to take. One thing that everyone agrees on is that 2009 is going...

Posted by: Creativepool

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