
Importance of Video Creation and Personalisation for Branding and Marketing

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Videos and personalisation are 2 must have items in any digital marketer's arsenal.

Customers now expect a personalised experience and consciously align their brand loyalty with the extent to which they feel 'known' and valued by a brand.
PR and digital marketers have widely recognized the growing importance of video as well. Did you know that 82% of B2C marketers and 79% of B2B marketers now include video in their content marketing programs?
In fact, video has proven to be a game changer in every industry and vertical!

Using Video for Branding and Marketing

*Image by Lobster User

The number of social media users in 2017 was 2.46 billion, and this is from a population of 3.4 billion who have access to the internet.

Do you want more people to know about your brand? Social media is the answer. See those numbers? They alone justify why your business needs to be active on social media.

Now, there are 3 ways in which you can communicate with users over social media:

  1. Text

  2. Image

  3. Video

Dr. James McQuivey of Forrester Research claims that a 1-minute video is equivalent to 1.8 million words!

Word spreads really fast and far on social media. Your followers tell their friends which gets you more followers, increasing your reach to the right people. In fact, the average social media user is exposed to an average of 32.2 videos in a month.

Conveying your message via video enhances this impact and increases brand recollection.

Here is a checklist for an ideal brand building strategy using videos:

1. Pick the right social media platform

As of today, there are too many platforms to keep a track of, and more spring up all the time. It is important to note that not all of them are right for all brands. See what kinds of people hangout in the major social networks and dedicate your brand building efforts to the ones that are popular with your customers.

Gary Vaynerchuck advises: “No matter what you’re selling, no matter what your company does, if you don’t have a video marketing strategy for the biggest video platforms, you are going to lose.”

2. Be active and engage your audience

One of the most well-established rules of social branding is that you must be consistently active. Your brand’s social media feed must include a hefty chunk of videos about interests that your customers have but that are not merely promoting your brand.

To achieve this you have to list out topics that you should be covering, number of videos you will be creating for each topic and build a detailed timeline to plan out the entire strategy.

Here is a cheat sheet to know the best times to post on every big social media platform!

3. Maintain consistency

Avoid random posts that don’t connect to your goal of building your brand. If you use colors, select the ones you will use in advance to make sure they harmonize with your brand logo and theme.

Brand recollection is increased by being consistent in all your videos. This means using brand assets like brand name, logo, color palette, music genres, etc in all your videos and make them go hand-in-hand with the content.

Benefits of Personalisation

*Image by Evgeny Ermakov

Personalised marketing, also referred to as 'one-to-one marketing', is the strategy used by brands wherein they use data analysis to deliver individual messages, promotions and product offerings to existing or prospective customers.

Simply put, you give your users and customers what they want. This means you share relevant content with them, you give them coupon codes for the products they use, and even invite them to events they're interested in!

Personalisation is so powerful, that you can implement it in various places to improve the outcome of your marketing activities:

1. Personalised ads

Imagine a user reading an article about camping, and they see an ad of your RV rental service. Or someone looking at a video of how to apply blush properly, and during the video they see an ad for a make-up kit by Nyka.

As you increase the degree of personalisation in your ads, you improve their efficiency. Your ads get more clicks, and the chances of conversion increase.

2. Emails

Personalised emails have witnessed 6x higher transaction rates. If you're not personalising your emails, you need to stop everything and change all your email copies right now!

Deliver relevant content to your users via email, talk about what they're interested in, and share trends that they can relate to, before you push them to interact with your brand.

3. Content

Write articles and show them to an audience that can relate to what you're talking about. Make videos and put them in front of viewers who will find value in them.

Giving your users what they like, want and need makes you their 'go to' brand. This makes them depend on you and rely on your content more often.

In a world where there is an abundance of content, businesses that provide an authentic, personalised experience will have an opportunity to engage with customers, thereby building long-lasting relationships with them.

Personalising Your Videos

*Image by Sean P Anderson

In a video, you can add several degrees of personalisation and at different levels.

When it comes to creating personalised content, it is important to build a well thought-out customer journey. Storytelling is a fundamental part of this, but it is only effective if these stories reflect and represent the brand’s core values, and are intertwined with what the customer wants.

Here are few places where personalisation in video helps:

1. UGC (User Generated Content)

You can achieve a basic level of personalisation by using UGC for branding. Users want to see others like them using your products and benefiting from your services. Have your users record a video of them using your product/service and combine them all into one big compilation video. You can use this for brand making, marketing and sales.

2. Sales oriented videos

Another idea you can implement is using first names inside sales videos when you tell a story, and sending them to potential customers.

Rocketium provides a solution where you can make multiple personalised videos (I'm talking about hundreds and thousands of videos) with the same design and content! This way you reach to multiple users at once, and maintain your brand's consistency at the same time.

3. Testimonial/Review videos

Very much like UGC videos, you can take testimonials and reviews from your existing customers as a video recording and create beautiful 2-3 minute videos. If you cater to a wide range of audience (maybe by demographics, industry or verticals), include one clip from each type of user. This ensures your video appeals to all sorts of users.

These types of videos can be strategically placed on your login or pricing pages to improve conversion.

Look out for some exciting news for Rocketium and Lobster happening April 30th via Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook

Find more on why video and UGC are the ne go-to for marketers here


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