
How your small business can grow with the help of iPhone apps?

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When you’re running a small business on your own then you need all the help you can get. The powerful apps discussed here will help take your organizational and management skills to the next level.

Calendar apps for better self-management and organization

There are many calendar apps available, but if you have an iPhone and a Mac then the default calendar on your iPhone is one of the best out there. You can alter the contents wherever you are and set-up helpful reminders.

If you’re not using a Mac, then Calendar 5 or Google Calendar is your next best option. While many apps sell themselves for their abundance of features, what you really want is simplicity. These apps connect to your Google account for easy access and give you a clean and easy-to-alter calendar.

Taking notes and organizing information with Evernote

To manage your workload better, turn to the reigning king Evernote. It allows you to take notes and include pictures, lists, videos, clippings from websites, and other files directly in them. These can then be shared with others and organized into notebooks – while being accessed from your phone or desktop.

If you think you don’t need Evernote then simply take a look at how you are currently organizing your notes and digital files. If you’ve got hundreds of word documents all over the place and you are relying on online bookmarks, then you will benefit a lot from Evernote.

It can be daunting to use at first, so make sure to follow a tutorial when you begin:

Streamlining projects with Trello

Next, you will want to revolutionize how you handle projects. Whether you are a builder, working in retail, or you are a freelance designer, using the Kanban system can help. It’s a system originally designed by Toyota, and it allows you to visualize the work you have to do into columns and to really picture the state of your current workflow.

If you think ‘workflow’ is just a buzzword then you’re likely being more inefficient then you should be. Trello is an app designed to allow you to seamlessly use Kanban in your daily life. It’s simple to use and others in your team can edit project progress to keep you all on the same page.

If you’ve not used an organization system for your business before then it’s a good idea to learn more about the principles of Kanban.

Speed up communication with Slack

Text messages, phone calls, and emails are fine if you are dealing with one or two people infrequently. However, if you are working with a team and you want constant communication then, like most of the business world, you might want to turn to Slack.

It works like many other chat services such as Facebook chat, except switching between group-chat and direct-chat is seamless and you can share files and ideas with more complexity. It’s easy to use and avoids tedious email etiquette.

By getting Slack on your iPhone, you can leave your desktop behind and still be part of the conversation. When sending sensitive data to your colleagues, always remember to use a VPN service for the highest security of data transfer.

Save money and organize your finances

Beginners to the world of business will often overlook smaller costs and forget to log ongoing ones. To begin saving money consider unlocking your phone and getting a cheaper provider. Doing this is simple and can save you a considerable amount of money each year.

To help otherwise regulate your spending, you may want to use an app like Spendee, which lets you see exactly where your money is going, or consider opening a mobile banking account with the National Australia Bank Group to manage money quicker.

Finally, keep on top of your invoices with the free Invoice2Go app. Make invoices and quotes directly on your phone that look professional and save time.


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