
9 Golden Rules by The Pop Up Agency

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Lessons we’ve learned along the way that has manifested into our guidelines which we today apply in all areas of our work.

  1. Goal
    Define a clear goal and make sure that all actions reflect the goal.
  2. Same page
    Make sure that everyone is on the same page, both internally and externally.
  3. Expectations
    Make sure to set the expectation, both internally and externally.
  4. Agenda
    Set out a clear timeline of goals and when they should be achieved.
  5. Don't force stuff
    It happens to us all, but the difference is how we handle it. It’s about acknowledging the problem and rerouting.
  6. Less creative thinking, more creative doing
    Be more active and test your way to a solution.
  7. Keep it simple
    There are tremendous benefit and value of keeping it simple.
  8. Be present
    Ensure that everyone is fully invested and present in the room.
  9. Don't focus on the details, see the bigger picture
    No caption needed.

Remember that creativity is a mindset, not a skill. Everyone can apply creativity in different shapes and forms.


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