Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 results



My favourite adverts are currently...

by Ashley Morrison. ..by Volkswagen. I've always been a fan of their ad campaigns and many of them rank pretty highly on my personal "I wish I'd thought of that" list. They work because they seem so 'of the moment'“ and yet, looking back to...

Posted by: Creativepool


High anxiety on the high street. What is the future of retail?

References to the 'high-street' in political and sociological debate have been frequent for well over a decade now. Sadly, mentioning a problem frequently doesn't bring solutions. Many towns are plagued by empty retail units on their central...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Do you network?

Up until a month ago I'd never attended a networking group. In truth I didn't know much about them. I assumed that they were for geeks and braggers, for the totally incompetent and the mildly desperate, for people either short of friends or folk who...

Posted by: Creativepool


Motionless pictures - are graphic novels the new movies?

When we were kids (assuming everyone is over 40, because it makes me feel better) we read the comics and grown ups went to the pictures. Sure, we queued for Star Wars and Jaws, but flat images of impossibly ripped blokes and pneumatic ladies in...

Posted by: Creativepool


The communications industry has a communication problem

As we build up to Connect: London 2018, a new kind of festival for the creative industry taking place next month, a selection of names appearing at the event will be speaking to Creativepool over the next few weeks. The aim is to offer insight into...

Posted by: Ryan Watson

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