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Santa Claus - what the science says.

Merry Christmas Creativepoolers everywhere. As this piece arrives on Christmas Day, you'll have seen that Santa has completed his work. But, have you ever wondered what Father Christmas goes through every year? Well, we have. Which is why we set...

Posted by: Creativepool


A freelance copywriter's letter to Santa.

by Magnus Shaw. Dear Santa, I'm not sure if you're aware, but Christmas is coming. Next week, apparently. With this in mind, I thought I'd better drop you a note to outline some of the stuff I'd like you to provide. I suggest you take the Harley...

Posted by: Creativepool


Top 10 Ads of the Week

SCPF - TOUS TOUS, along with SCPF, presents the fifth instalment of the well-known Tender Stories series. A comprehensive communication campaign with the aim of depicting tenderness from a new angle, as well as revealing the new Autumn/Winter 16-17...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Is the Sainsbury's Christmas ad really offensive?

Supermarket wars have been with us for as long as there have been supermarkets. But the intensity of the competition has never been so keenly felt as it is today. Tesco has had a thoroughly miserable year, which cost them one Chief Executive, a mass...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Window wars. Who is winning the Christmas battle of Oxford Street?

Christmas is rather a competitive activity, isn't it? From those rather ghastly households attempting to out-decorate their neighbours by festooning their brickwork with flashing reindeer, to the restaurants fighting to see who can charge the most...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


It's a wrap. Introducing this year's best Christmas campaign.

Understandably there's been quite some fuss about the John Lewis 'Hare and Bear' Yuletide spot. Not only is it high profile and eye-catching, but the cartoon alone cost somewhere in the region of £7m. With that sort of investment, you 'd hope it...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw

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