Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 results



What are you, autarkic or something?

Am Reading Orlando Figes magnum opus ‘A People's Tragedy’ (our bookshelves are a groaning legacy of leftovers, now the children have all left and left behind piles of stuff they’ve no room for - but it does leave a treasure trove of random...

Posted by: Richard


Oscar Pop! 2021’s Best Picture Nominees as Original Pop Art Posters

When casting an eye back over the goings-on this week, I felt a subtle pang of despair. Between the capitalist nightmare that was the ill-fated European Super League, David Cameron lobbying dramas and… more Prince Philip, it all just felt so...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Designs unveiled for Moontopia, the self-sufficient lunar colony

Ever since the great space race of the 1960s, mankind has dreamt of living amongst the stars, and whilst the concept of lunar colonisation has been a mainstay of science fiction for decades, it's only recently that the idea appears to be broaching...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Food Trends 2017: How technology is shaping our future

Speaking at The Future of Food conference in Stockholm last week, Johan Rockström, professor of environmental science at Stockholm University, urged attendees to think about the implications of society’s next 10,000 years by focusing on...

Posted by: Kate Lewin


How will consumer engagement in 2025 challenge brands and agencies?

The Future Foundation, in consultation with IPA thought leaders and clients, and supported by Advertising Week Europe, has undertaken another 10-year trend study to prepare the market for the future. The first phase of findings identifies four...

Posted by: Melanie Howard


Let me Tela you a story: Meet Shara Vickers, Creative Director

Avid readers of my Creativepool blog - of which there must be literally…some - will know that I upped sticks and moved from the Big Smoke (London) to the Big Nice And Airy (Saffron Walden) a couple of years ago. During this time, I’ve...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


The Thames Tidal Barrier that doubles as a self-sufficient community

Freddie Jackson, a talented young designer and recent graduate of the University of Westminster, has designed a tidal barrage for the river Thames that not only produces energy from the sea, but incorporates a surprisingly homely looking (at least...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


This is what it's like to be Dyslexic

It's common sense that when it comes to fonts in the worlds of design and advertising, the more easily readable the better right? Graphic designer Daniel Britton has bucked convention (and some might argue his marbles) with a new font that he's...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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