Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 results



HTC: Humongous Tinfoil Catamaran? Hot Tea Catapult?

When the Kevin Bacon EE 4G mobile network commercials first came out at the cinema, the auditoriums (or at least the ones I sat in) were awash with laughter. Tightly scripted, informative and amusing to boot, they were a breath of fresh air and just...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


7 Story Archetypes: using plot to build brands

At Southpaw we’re kind of obsessed with storytelling in the brand building process. Within storytelling’s golden trio of character, incident and plot, it’s plot that provides the vital framework to hang everything from. Enter the...

Posted by: Southpaw


Panic stations: leaving London and moving to t’sticks

As I sit down to write my blog today, I’m a bit anxious. You see, we moved on Saturday. But this was no ordinary move. I’ve left the creative centre of the country (and some would argue of the world) and gone to live in a place where...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison

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