Displaying 1 - 24 of 24 results



It’s okay if you don’t want that six-figure freelance life

‘How I became a six-figure freelancer’. ‘The reality of being a six-figure freelancer’. And perhaps the worst of all: ‘Here’s exactly what I do every day to earn six figures as a freelancer’. You’ve...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


The Ultimate and Comprehensive Guide to Freelance Tax

In 2015, nearly 40% of the UK’s self-employed workforce did not file their taxes by the HMRC deadline. That accounts for over 890,000 freelancers in the UK, who all faced a £100 late fee. The mere thought of taxes is often nightmare fuel...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


#GettingToKnow diversity and inclusion expert Nina Goswami

With this year’s International Women’s Day fast approaching, we have recently conducted a series of interviews with global inspirational women from the creative industries. In this exclusive interview, meet the BBC’s former...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Zero to virtual production hero in 14 steps

Virtual production has arrived with a bang. Big name producers - most famously for The Mandalorian - are filming with huge state-of-the-art LED walls as virtual backdrops, instead of going out on location. But you don't have to be Disney to create...

Posted by: We Are Tilt



WARNING: CONTAINS OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE* *Unless you don’t get offended by words like ‘fuck’. In which case, the warning should read: contains language. “Daddy, when are you going to teach me how to cut with a sharp knife and...

Posted by: Matt Batten


Here's how Gamification will change advertising

You are having a stroll on the main high street, on your way to your favourite park in town. A few steps away from the main gates, you see a man running towards you. He looks scared. Click here to dodge him. Click here to stop him. You dodge the...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Annual 2020 FAQ: 7 'Most' Asked Questions About the Annual Awards

We’re little more than one week away from the final submissions deadline for the creative industry's 'most' award, and as the last round of entries starts to flow in, we are also getting a lot of questions on how Annual 2020 works. There are...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


10 digital marketing trends to watch in 2020

Ten years ago, display advertising was in its infancy and Promoted Tweets were yet to make their debut. Times have changed considerably. Intelligent and automated technologies have increasingly super-charged digital marketing efficiency - so much so...

Posted by: Caroline Burgess-Pike


JSR's Simon Amster on the evolution of content

As creative partner at photographic and illustration management agency JSR, Simon Amster sees a lot of content. With a background in broadcast at the likes of Disney and NBC Universal, he’s observed how the meaning of the word has changed over...

Posted by: Ryan Watson


Get to know the 12 brand archetypes

Think about your favourite stories. Did you ever notice that the characters within them fall into broad categories? The hard-drinking detective fuelled by cheap liquor... The femme fatale who always has a perfect put down to hand... The naïve...

Posted by: Woven Agency


Homefarm: A very modern old age

We spend inconceivable hours dreaming of what our future might hold. How many kids we might have, if any at all. What kind of car we might drive. Where we might live. Yet, there’s a perception that once you cross the threshold into old age...

Posted by: Sophie Summers


Credible rumours suggest that Windows 9 will launch in 2015

Windows 8 was far from the success story that Microsoft likely envisioned. By almost completely forgetting their roots and attempting to stitch together their desktop and mobile into some kind of bizarre Frankenstein's monster of an operating system...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The London Marathon: Batman, blisters and PR campaigns

I may be preaching to the converted here, but you’ve gotta love London. A lot of people - and certainly the majority of Creativepoolers - would say it’s the centre of the creative industry, and not just in the UK. But even leaving the...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Funny business. British comedy writing is in crisis, but why?

Last week, I wrote about the key differences between copywriting and 'writing'. And while I attempted to make the challenges inherent in copywriting clear, I wouldn't say the profession is in crisis. Unlike the art of writing comedy. Quite when the...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The 12 Days of Christmas. BANNED.

Christmas Eve is finally here and I'm feeling festive. Well, actually, I was feeling festive a while ago because I've been doing an awful lot of carol singing throughout December. Not that I'm bragging but, for the most part, these carol concerts...

Posted by: Creativepool


4D Cinema

So you've seen Avatar in 3D and marvelled at the special effects. Let's leave aside that the story itself was banal nonsense for the moment and just agree that, visually, it was pretty impressive. But while anyone over the age of 30 is still...

Posted by: Creativepool

How to bridge the healthcare brand gap

While creativity might be flourishing in healthcare, the true potential of brand as strategic business asset is too often overlooked. James March, Category Director, Health & Wellness explores how we can bridge the brand gap – with Andrew Gardner,...

Posted by: Conran Design Group


Autism & Creativity

It may seem unlikely, but people on the autistic spectrum have been an integral part of the creative industry for decades, without the industry necessary knowing that. Thinking differently is not only a mantra but also a characteristic that is valued...

Posted by: Alex Shifrin


Shortlisted Designs for the UK Holocaust Memorial and Learning Centre

Designs by shortlisted teams in a competition to design a £40 million national Holocaust Memorial and Learning Centre in the UK have gone on public display. The UK Holocaust Memorial Foundation launched the memorial international design...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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