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Will virtual reality change how we use social media?

Opinion by Sol Rogers, CEO & Founder of REWIND A common criticism of VR is that it is isolating. While VR will always separate you from the real world, it can and will bring people together to communicate, experience, and play in a truly memorable...

Posted by: Magnopus


Visions in VR: Is the VR boom over before it started?

It would, perhaps, be unfair to say that the VR bubble has burst, because from where I'm sitting, it looks as though the bubble has barely left the niche market that spawned it. Yet, with so many headsets now sat gathering dust in closets and display...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


What's on your mind Facebook?

At Facebook’s annual F8 developer conference last month, the social media monolith revealed a – up unto now – secret department called Building 8, which has been working behind the scenes on the company’s most secretive and controversial...

Posted by: Kate Lewin


Facebook F8 Announcements

Say what you like about Facebook, but Mark Zuckerber's social media monopoliser has (for better or worse) become an integral part of our shared cultural heritage in recent years. Who amongst you, the media-savvy Creativepool reader, could honestly...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns

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