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Seymourpowell address a serious problem in the e eye-care world

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Leading product design consultancy Seymourpowell recently announced a complete re-design for Bausch + Lomb's “Artelec” eye care range, with a shift in packaging that aims to create “A point of difference in both the consumer and eye care professional market.” The re-designs will cover five sub-brands in the Dry Eye category for dry eye relief, which each apply different levels of ocular hydration for those that suffer with dry eye syndromes. The re-designs aim to make it easier for customers to clearly identify the different types of products by making each sub-brand stand out on its own accord, and help further the brand's evolution as a popular choice for eye care professionals and consumers alike.

The re-designs will cover five sub-brands in the Dry Eye category for dry eye relief, which each apply different levels of ocular hydration for those that suffer with dry eye syndromes

Seymourpowell were tasked with addressing a serious problem in the eye-care world; that eye hydration has become more of a “Lifestyle” need than a “Medical” need, which has led to a very self-selective market. Artelec, however, has strong brand awareness and credibility amongst professionals, and Seymourpowell's new designs capitalise on this credibility by demonstrating the function effectiveness of the products more clearly. The new designs also attempt to portray the brand in a more emotional light, thereby straddling the world's of pharmaceutical credibility and consumer choice.

Bausch + Lomb – The Barometer of Global Eye Health

The design brief from Bausch + Lomb was for the packaging to “Communicate a degree of efficacy & hydration for the Artelec brand while presenting Bausch + Lomb as well-established and respectable,” which Seymourpowell aimed to achieve by subtle, but striking design changes. A key influence in the re-design was the creation of the Artelec “Wave” logo, which not only helps the product stand out from the competition, but communicates the brand's message of ocular “Hydration” and “Invigoration.” The wave logo helps the products to stand out in what is an incredibly busy and confusing market. Accent colour coding has also been introduced to help each sub-brand stand out individually and reflect their individual functions.

A key influence in the re-design was the creation of the Artelec “Wave” logo, which communicates the brand's message of ocular “Hydration” and “Invigoration.”

Jonathan Shaw, managing director of brand packaging at Seymourpowell, said there is a “Dual aspect to the design which sees it sit effectively between both consumer facing and pharmaceutical products by communicating efficacy and hydration,” therefore creating a “Highly successful blend of functional reassurance and emotion.” Guido Aschieri, Bausch + Lomb's marketing director for the EMEA region, said they selected Seymourpowell for the job because they understood the brand's “Desired strategy,” and believes they “Brought it to life through fresh, invigorating packaging that will penetrate the self-select category,” also adding that they were “great partners throughout the project, delivering an outstanding result.” The freshly re-designed Artelec products are launching now in Germany, Switzerland and Austria, with a wider European roll-out to follow in the coming months.

Official Seymourpowell Website

Official Bausch + Lomb Website

Benjamin Hiorns is a freelance writer and musician from Kidderminster in the UK. He is glad he's never suffered from dry eyes because he can't stand eye drops.


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