
DPDK and Peugeot experiment with interactive music production for Catch The Dragon

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DPDK and Peugeot have launched an interactive sound experience called “Follow Your Intuition,” to promote the Peugeot 108. The experience is an online film with an interactive soundtrack that will be enriched with a new dimension of the track after every interaction. Visitors can discover these dimensions by themselves at the bespoke Follow Your Intuition website. DPDK is a creative full service agency with a strong focus on digital interactions. Their clients include Peugeot, Grolsch, Ikea and many more, and they have received various awards and accolades at numerous events such as FWA’s, Dutch Interactive Awards and the Spin Awards.


DPDK and Peugeot have launched an online film with an interactive soundtrack called “Follow Your Intuition,” to promote the Peugeot 108


As a result of the successful Peugeot “Catch the Dragon” campaign and the Virtual Reality experience at the AutoRAI, this time DPDK was tasked with creating a digital experience based on the International TVC for the Peugeot 108. The result is an innovative sound experience that is seamlessly connected to the spot, and zooms in on the three USP’s of the car: active city break, rear view camera and lane departure warning system. In the build-up TO the car's reveal, however, viewers are asked to effectively compose their own soundtrack through randomised keystrokes. It's probably not half as in-depth as it seems, but the feeling of control is remarkable. It's a genuinely inventive concept, pulled off with incredible finesse.

The innovative sound experience is seamlessly connected to the spot, and zooms in on the three USP’s of the car once the soundtrack has been 'composed' by the user



To shape this interactive experience, DPDK developed their own soundtrack and merged this with existing images from the TVC, with website visitors building up this soundtrack in four different phases after every interaction. They can do this on their desktop, by using their keyboard, or on their mobile phones. In addition to the successful “Catch the Dragon” film-meets-game experience and a virtual reality experience, where the Oculus Rift was combined with Leap Motion Technology and drone images, DPDK can now add this interactive sound experience to their impressive Peugeot 108 portfolio.

DPDK developed their own soundtrack, merged this with existing TVC images, and allowed consumers to custom-build the soundtrack in four different phases



Pim van Helten, CEO of DPDK, said: “Follow your intuition calls on your sense of rhythm. Everyone has that sense, consciously or unconsciously. The combination of full screen video, playful animations and an interactive soundtrack is unique on the web and works on desktop and mobile.” Bart van Slobbe, head of digital and media PSA for Peugeot, Citroën and DS Benelux, added: “Peugeot is on the lookout for more and more digital communication opportunities in order to reach clients in an original way. Together with DPDK we are working on strengthening our innovative image. The sound experience is unique, purely based on intuition!”



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