
Continuous innovation: How to do new things when everyone's always busy

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Many modern digital teams have established a strong process and culture of continuous delivery across their core products, which has led to an increased demand on designers, engineers, product managers and so on.

From here, through solid design research and optimisation through measurable results, teams can reach the envious position of 'continuous improvement' - but there's a catch...

While everyone is busy improving existing customer experiences, they can find themselves in the classic 'innovator’s dilemma', where they don't have the ability to focus attention onto risky, potentially market-shifting ideas.

At Creativepool's Connect London event, Tom Bradley, design director at Code Computerlove, explained how he has developed a process to help creatives explore new ideas while maintaining the pace of change needed to serve the day-to-day needs of their audience.

Watch his full talk below and follow Connect London on Creativepool for more from the festival.




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