
AgencyQuotes, first ever book by Nick Entwistle and Vikki Ross

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@AgencyQuotes on Twitter has been alive and kicking since 2012 with over 7,000 worldwide followers tweeting #thingsyouhearinagencies every day. If you’re in advertising, or you want to be, then we’re sure you’ll relate to the brilliant quotes you’ll find in our first ever book!


It’s funny the things you hear in agencies. Ad speak, technical jargon, client feedback. That’s what we thought back in 2012 so we created @AgencyQuotes on Twitter – a place for everyone agency-side to celebrate the advertising industry together and tweet all the #thingsyouhearinagencies

Since then, we’ve shared over 22,000 tweets to over 7,000 followers around the world. We’ve selected some of the best and put them in our first book. You’ll probably recognise a few. You’ll definitely nod knowingly. You may even laugh. Just don’t cry.

This is the first book from prolific British creatives, Nick Entwistle and Vikki Ross.

Nick Entwistle
Nick is the creative force behind the Bank of Creativity and One Minute Briefs. As well as producing concepts for major brands, he delivers talks and workshops across the UK and has had his work recognised by the likes of Theo Paphitis, Pitch UK and Downing Street.

@BOC_ATM, @OneMinuteBriefs
[email protected]

Vikki Ross
Vikki brings copy to life for world-famous brands and agencies. She wrote and judged the D&AD New Blood 2014 Copywriting brief and judged the D&AD 2015 Writing for Advertising category. She also tutors future creative at London’s School of Communication Arts.

@VikkiRossWrites,  [email protected]

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