
I Can't Believe This Is One Photograph.

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We all know Photoshop, and we all know that no photo nowadays can be guaranteed to be in its original form. The image below is a perfect example of this.


That’s four separate images edited into one right? It’s obviously photoshopped, and a poor one at that, let's be honest!


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Were you fooled like I was? At first glance you would think it is, but a closer inspection reveals that this is indeed a meticulously crafted photograph (singular) by Austrian photographer Bela Borsodi.

The conceptual image was taken for the album cover, Terrain by VLP.

Below you can see a different angle of the setup.


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If you still don't believe me, check out the video below to watch the process take place.

Bela Borsodi was born in Vienna 1966. After studying graphic design and fine art he started to work as a photographer. In 1992 Bela moved to New York and in 1999 he focused on still life photography, which is still the main direction of his work. Bela lives and works in New York.

Website: www.belaborsodi.com


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