
Firing up the creative brains with Božo Kaurić

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We'd pay our own weight in gold coins to have Božo Kaurić's brains.

Working daily to juggle his busy life with a little baby and an endless love for design, this talented 3D artist and visualiser has little time to waste in the concept phase, and so he learned to start most of his projects in his head. Brainstorming, idea and concept all happen in his mind, only to then move to the actual 3D modelling when the time is right.

This isn't the first time we feature Božo, either – even with his commitments, the man found enough spare days to work on a beautiful 5-step guide on creating a realistic display model. For this Member Spotlight, we are learning more about a relentless creative spirit who wishes he could have more time on his hands – and don't we all, mate?


How did you get into the industry? 

3D has been my one true love since my high school years, but it was all just purely for fun, until one of my ex employers needed something done in 3D, and remembered I was doing similar stuff. He called me, offered me a job, and that was the beginning of my retail design career


Where are you based now and who do you work for?

I am based in Zagreb, Croatia and I work for FED d.o.o., a great digital print and retail design company where I am in charge of 3D Design.


Just a stunning motherboard city in 3D for your own enjoyment.

If you weren’t in your current industry, what would you be doing?

God only knows :) Before I started doing 3D professionally I was really doing all kinds of stuff, but mostly computer related. I was a sales manager in a couple ICT companies, executive editor in a computer magazine, graphic designer, internet marketing specialist etc. So I really have no idea where I would have ended up.


Can you explain your creative process?

When it comes to my personal work, it all starts with an idea that pops into my head, and then I start designing it in there. I usually spend quite some time refining it, changing it in my mind. When I think I have the "final" design in my head, I fire up my computer and start modelling, to see how my idea reflects in 3D. 3D offers me the chance to simply continue my creative process that started in my head. From then on, it is just having fun with design until I get the final one.


As for my professional work, it all starts with a client brief and if possible, a meeting where I can talk to them to see what they really need. After that, I always check out that company's products, website and all the press materials they might have, just to get the feel of the brand. Then I will sit down on my own, and start designing in my head. Once I think I have a cool idea, I will transform it into 3D, and change it until the customer is satisfied.


How has technology affected the way you work (if at all)?

It sure did. With increase in computer speeds, now I can create and render scenes I could only dream of before. The largest leap forward was GPU rendering which shortened rendering times drastically. Now I can have great previews almost in real time, and final renderings in a matter of minutes.


What’s your secret to staying inspired and motivated?

I never stop creating stuff in my head, and I always look at what other people do... you never know what tiny little thing can spark an idea in your mind. And of course, I can't work without music.


What’s the work achievement you’re most proud of?

The fact that I am doing something professionally that used to be my hobby.


How do you recharge away from the office?  

I come home to my wife and my 8 month old son and that's all that I need. He is my little battery charger.


What advice would you give to other aspiring creatives looking for work? 

Just keep on doing your thing. Never stop, and don't get discouraged by negative responses. 

If you could change one thing about the industry, what would it be? 

I would punish by law anyone who does not know a damn thing about drawing, be it on paper or on a computer, and still call themselves designers :)

I see so much crap around. Suddenly, everyone is a designer, especially in interior business.


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