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Providing exceptional value to your awards judges in 10 easy steps

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If you’re running an awards program, you have a unique opportunity to create a truly memorable experience for your judges. By providing value to your judges, you not only ensure the success of your awards experience but also hopefully cultivate a community of passionate and dedicated individuals.

Remember that your judges are volunteering their time and expertise to evaluate submissions and choose the winners. That’s why it's so important to provide value to the judges, not just expect to receive recognition.

With that in mind, here are my ten top tips for ensuring your judges feel legitimately valued.


1. Clear Expectations and Guidelines

It is crucial to provide clear expectations and guidelines to your awards judges. This includes the criteria they should use to judge the entries, the timeline for the judging process, and any other relevant information. Judges should have a clear understanding of what is expected of them and what the judging process entails.

2. Provide Sufficient Time

Judging entries can be a time-consuming task, especially if the entries are numerous or complex. Ensure that your judges have enough time to complete their tasks by providing realistic deadlines and manageable volumes of entries. Be respectful of their time and communicate any changes in the timeline in a timely manner.

3. Training and Support

Provide training and support to your judges to ensure that they have the necessary knowledge and skills to judge the entries effectively. This can include providing them with training materials or organizing training sessions. Judges should also have access to support if they have any questions or concerns.

4. Recognition and Appreciation

Recognize and appreciate the efforts of your judges by thanking them for their time and effort. This can be done through personalized messages, certificates, or public recognition. Judges who feel appreciated are more likely to continue judging for your organization in the future.

5. Communication and Feedback

Effective communication is essential throughout the entire judging process. Keep your judges informed of any updates, changes, or issues that may arise. Encourage them to provide feedback on the judging process and listen to their suggestions for improvement. This can help you to improve the process for future events.


6. Foster a Sense of Community

Encouraging communication and collaboration among judges can foster a sense of community and help to build stronger relationships. This can be achieved through creating private social media groups or forums where judges can ask questions, discuss entries, and share experiences. It can also be helpful to organize social events or networking opportunities for judges to meet in person.

7. Provide Professional Development Opportunities

Providing professional development opportunities for your judges can help to enhance their skills and knowledge, while also showing them that you value their contributions. This can include inviting guest speakers, organizing training workshops, or providing access to industry-specific resources. Judges who feel that they are receiving professional development opportunities are more likely to be invested in the success of your awards program.

8. Create a User-Friendly Judging Platform

A user-friendly judging platform can make a significant difference in the judging experience for your judges. Ensure that the platform is easy to navigate, provides clear instructions, and offers technical support if needed. Additionally, make sure that the platform is optimized for different devices and accessible to judges with disabilities.

9. Offer Compensation or Benefits

While judges may be motivated by their passion for your industry or the recognition they will receive, offering compensation or benefits can help to further incentivize them. This could include offering a stipend, covering expenses such as travel or accommodation, or offering professional development opportunities that can contribute to their career growth.

10. Solicit Feedback and Act on it

Finally, one of the most valuable things you can do for your judges is to solicit feedback and act on it. After the judging process has concluded, reach out to your judges and ask them to share their thoughts and experiences. Use this feedback to identify areas for improvement and implement changes for the next event. By taking the time to listen to your judges and incorporate their feedback, you can continually improve the judging experience and demonstrate your commitment to creating a successful awards program.

Creativpool Annual 2023 - Need Some Help?


There's just over a week left for entry into the Creativepool Annual Awards 2023. A full overview of taking part can be found in the Entry Pack. But if you still have questions please do get in touch with one of our awards managers who will be happy to help either on email or on chat.

Submissions Close - 27th April

Late Submissions Close - 25th May

Enter Annual 2023!


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