
Live streaming from AdWeek: Lucille's: Thursday

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9:00 - Where Video Meets Spectacular Smart Screens

  • At our workshop, you’ll hear how dynamic, full-motion video thrives on iconic, massively scaled digital screens that offer high dwell times at famous destinations like Times Square, the Las Vegas Strip, etc. Be inspired to parlay the dynamic growth of digital video beyond on-line, tablet, mobile and place based. Get motivated to create fresh video that works for “the big screen,” and learn how beacons are layered on to digital signs and push relevant content to smartphone users whose Blue Tooth setting is "On."

10:00 - The Holding Company Disruptors

  • Join Jon Bond and his guests as they discuss the new model holding companies emerging, and why they have the potential to “Uberize” the world of marketing services.

11:00 - Marketing in the Post-demographic Age

  • In an advertising market saturated with messages, media channels and shift in audience consumption, a brand’s ability to reach and connect with its market is the difference between survival and extinction. The traditional demographics-based campaign has broken down, and brands now have the opportunity to connect directly with those in-market for their products.

12:00 - How To Get ROI From Your Social Strategy

  • Social campaigns are often questioned by data driven marketers as lacking a truly measurable ROI. The focus of the conversation will be on the latest strategies and tools marketers are using to engage audiences, get them sharing, and measure results.

13:00 - It's A Content World, You're Just Living In It: How to Use Data to Get Ahead

  • It's no secret that brands are investing exponentially more in content. And with that shift comes a need for understanding the real impact of their investment. This panel will feature influential leaders breaking ground in content marketing.

14:00 - From Minibar to Megahit

  • Booze delivered to your door in under 60 minutes? Cool! Learn how Minibar co-founders Lara Crystal and Lindsey Andrews, who helped launch Rent the Runway and Wag.com, are killing it with their latest venture in our on-demand, convenience-first world.

16:00 - Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre (UCB) Art of the Pitch Improv Workshop

  • With $25 billion + in media business up for grabs, the art of the pitch has never been more relevant. The pressurized fever pitch pace demands high performance. Thanks to ABC, for the first time UCB's cutting-edge comedy and teaching improvisation comes to Advertising Week. With a customized approach blending comedy fundamentals that double as professional skills, a competitive advantage is sure to be gained. By invitation only.

17:00 - New York, New York: Taking Your Agency to the World's Most Competitive Market

  • LIVE on Periscope! Follow @advertisingweek on Twitter and Periscope to take part in this unique and interactive session. New York is the largest advertising market in the world, but it's also the most competitive. History has shown that some of the most acclaimed, re-knowned creative agencies from outside of NYC have struggled to achieve the same level of success here. There have been a handful of agencies, past and present, who seem to have cracked the code. Our panel features a discussion amongst some of the newer Agency leaders who have had success building offices in NYC under existing agency 'brands'. Our participants will discuss the uniqueness and challenges of the New York market, their approach to getting off the ground, what's working for them, and how they plan to maintain growth and stability.


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