
Get your artwork into Ubers across your city. Enter Now!

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Competition Time! (Extended Deadline: 11th August 2015) 

There is hidden talent tucked away all over the city, just waiting to be discovered. The UK art scene has never been more vibrant. To celebrate this we have partnered with our friends at Uber and SUITCASE Magazine to create a opportunity for your artwork to be placed in the back of the Ubers across your city. 

Design Brief

We are welcoming individuals on Creativepool (Sorry, no companies for this competition), from photographers, graphics, 3D through to illustrators and contemporary artists, to submit their work.

The brief is completely open to your design style. You don’t need to include any element of Uber, Creativepool or Suitcase Magazine in your design. The design should reflect and be all about one of the following cities; London, Manchester, Leeds, Sheffield, Birmingham and Newcastle.  

The Judges

All submitted entries will be put in front of Michael Tomes, Founder of Creativepool.com and Serena Guen, Founding Editor-in-Chief of SUITCASE Magazine.

What you get

We’ll be selecting 12 artists to create limited art to be featured exclusively in Ubers across your city - your prints will be placed in individual cars just waiting to be discovered! In addition to coverage in the Creativepool digital magazine, SUITCASE Magazine and the Uber blog, the winners will ride like rockstars with £75 in Uber credit.

What you have to do 

1.  Have a profile on Creativepool
2. Submit your artwork by clicking HERE
3. Submissions close 9th August 2015

The proportions of your artwork need to be Square. If your artwork is chosen it will need to be 105mmx105mm @300dpi.

We can't wait to see your artwork! EXTENDED DEADLINE: 11th August 2015



If you're new to Uber use this code CREATIVEPOOL15 and you’ll get £15 off your first trip!*

*New Uber users only


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