
Evening Hosted by CNN's Don Lemon in Beverly Hills

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A big celebration of achievements of those working to champion diversity in the advertising, marketing, PR, media and entertainment industries took on place Friday 20th September in Beverly Hills, California 90210. 
In a night of celebration, the ADCOLOR Award recognized some of the best and brightest at the Beverly Hilton, hosted by CNN's Don Lemon. The event was filled with rousing moments from its honorees including real life Olivia Pope, Judy Smith, William Morris Endeavor icon Charles King, and Essence founder and former CEO Edward Lewis. Actors, executives, media personalities, and more were in attendance including actors Michael B. Jordan, Jay Ellis, and Allen Maldonado, Entertainment Tonight's newest co-host Kevin Frazier, Diegeo VP Marc Stephenson Strachan, and GLAAD President & CEO Sarah Kate Ellis. The ADCOLOR Awards winners were later on celebrated at the official after party which was presented by BET Networks and Beats Music.

The ADCOLOR Award recognized some of the best and brightest at the Beverly Hilton, hosted by CNN's Don Lemon. 

Each year, the ADCOLOR Award nominees and honorees are selected based on criteria such as ADCOLOR's motto "Rise Up and Reach Back." Those recognised work not only to go above and beyond in their own careers, but also go out of their way to help others and make an impact on their peers. At the event on Friday, twelve awards were distributed throughout the night, including two brand new categories - Rockstar and Ad of the Year. This years winners were Saatchi & Saatchi, AKQA, Smith & Company amongst others. 

AD OF THE YEAR             
The new category to this year's event, the Ad of the Year awards is for a campaign or single execution that pushes boundaries, promotes conversation and highlights the lives of multicultural, LGBT and/or other under-represented Americans in the mass media.       
WINNER:  Duracell, "Trust Your Power", Saatchi & Saatchi

Duracell: Trust Your Power - NFL's Patrick Willis, San Francisco 49ers

RISING STAR            
A Rising Star is an up-and-coming young gun with less than seven years of experience. A Rising Star is someone who stands out among their peers as someone who is raising the bar of excellence as they move forward in their career.         
WINNER:  Danielle Skeen, Account Executive, Kirshenbaum, Bond, Senecal + Partners (kbs+)

This award is presented to two people/companies that work together to provide exceptional and highly effective diversity solutions within their organizations and industries.          

HONOREE: Marvel & BBDO New York
The partnership, The Avengers Stand Up for Diversity, was a way to engage young people in discussions about diversity and character through the use of comic books. 


The Avengers Stand Up for Diversity

The Lifetime Achievement Award honorees are inductees of the American Advertising Federation Hall of Fame. Their inspiring stories of professional and personal success exemplify Rising Up and Reaching Back. Recipients will be announced at ADCOLOR Live!                    
HONOREE: Edward Lewis, Co-Founder and former CEO, Chairman & Publisher, Essence Magazine; Co-Founder of Latina Magazine; Chairman of LMV; Senior Advisor for Solera Capital.

The ADCOLOR Award nominees and honorees those who go above and beyond in their own careers.

Last week two employees from Ogilvy & Mather were recognized for the 8th Annual ADCOLOR Awards. Read more about Ashley Mackel and Daniel Marin in the Creativepool Magazine


Saatchi & Saatchi

BBDO New York


Solera Capital


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