
#CompanySpotlight on expo experts MagnWall

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Today, we’re talking to Yannick Wahler, CFO of MagnWall, a retail and expo design expert agency with a patented and globally unique technology.

How was your company born and where are you based?

We are based in Weinstadt, Germany, a beautiful little village right between all the wineyards. Our company was born in 2017 from the goal of increasing the attractiveness of inner cities and smaller retail stores.

What was the biggest challenge to the growth of your company?


As a self-financed company our biggest challenge is always our working capital. This was especially challenging during the Covid-Times. We are now getting international recognition which was very hard in the beginning.

Which was the first huge success that you can remember?

Our first big market entry presence on the EuroShop 2020 was a great success. Unfortunately it was followed by the first lockdown. But with the EuroShop 2023 we made another great success of which we greatly benefit now. We had over 700 contacts with companies from over 70 different countries.

What’s the biggest opportunity for you and your company in the next year?


We are starting to roll out our products more internationally. We are starting in the U.S. in September 2023. This is very exiting for us, as this will affect the popularity of our products in other countries as well.

Can you explain your team’s creative process? What makes it unique?

We are a bunch of very different thinkers. What we have in common is the openness to all aspects of our products. We all do Development, Sales, Strategy and everything that has to be done to be successful.

How does your team remain inspired and motivated?


To see the excitement in the eyes of the people when showing our products never gets old and is pure motivation.

How has COVID-19 affected your company?

Our two main industries, Retail and Exhibiton Building where completely shut down. We had many projects in our pipeline already that then got canceled. We had to shift our internal focus to different work in order to make money to survive. But we also used the time to improve our products and our processes.

What is one tip that you would give to other agencies looking to grow?

Keep working hard, smart and with passion. Then you will succeed no matter what.

How do you go about finding new clients/business? (Pitching, work with retainers, etc.)


Everything that needs to be done.

What’s your one big hope for the future of the industry?

We hope that the whole retail industry will see the necessity and take the responsibility to keep the inner cities alive so that the social life of the citizens can thrive.


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