
Top 5 marketing blogs you should be following #MarketingMonth

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Marketing is an ever-evolving field that requires constant engagement if you want to keep up with the latest trends and strategies. Marketers are always learning and always evolving as the form itself shifts with changing trends.

One of the best ways to stay informed is by following marketing blogs but with so many blogs out there, it can be quite overwhelming. So, here are five I personally think are worthy of space on your favourites bar.

HubSpot Marketing Blog


HubSpot is a leading inbound marketing and sales software platform. Their marketing blog covers a wide range of marketing topics, including social media, SEO, email marketing, and content marketing.

What sets the HubSpot blog apart, however, is the quality of their content and the genuinely actionable tips they provide. They also have a rotating team of experts who contribute to the blog, so you can be sure that you're getting advice from people who know what they're talking about. It’s also written in a consistently engaging tone and the topics are always hyper relevant.

The Moz Blog


Moz is a software company that provides SEO tools and resources. Their blog is a must-read for anyone interested in search engine optimization. They cover topics such as keyword research, link building, on-page optimization, and local SEO.

What makes the Moz blog stand out is their willingness to share data and experiments to back up their claims. They also have a Q&A section where you can get answers to your SEO questions. Perhaps not a blog for wet-behind-the-ears types but definitely a blog for experienced marketers.

Neil Patel’s Digital Marketing Blog


Neil Patel is a well-known digital marketer and entrepreneur who has worked with companies like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft. If you’ve ever even considered getting into SEO or researching SEO then you’ve probably heard him being mentioned.

His blog is full of in-depth guides, case studies, and marketing insights. He covers a wide range of topics, including content marketing, social media, and email marketing. What makes his blog unique is his ability to break down complex marketing concepts into easy-to-understand language. So a great blog for a marketing novice.

Social Media Examiner


Social Media Examiner is a website that provides social media marketing news, tips, and strategies. Their blog covers topics such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn marketing and they have even started dipping their toes into TikTok and influencer marketing news.

They also have a podcast and a YouTube channel where they share interviews with experts and discuss the latest social media trends. If you're looking to improve your social media marketing skills, Social Media Examiner is a valuable resource.



Copyblogger is a blog that focuses specifically on content marketing and copywriting. They provide advice on how to create compelling content that resonates with your audience so this is a blog that all aspiring copywriters should be signed up to.

They cover topics such as writing headlines, storytelling, and creating calls to action. Copyblogger also has a community of writers and marketers who share their insights and tips. If you're looking to improve your writing skills and create more engaging content, Copyblogger is the blog for you.

I’ve tried to keep it nice and broad here but if you feel like I’ve missed any obvious ones, feel free to make a note in the comments below.


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