
Spotlight - Team Hitchcock









Describe your work in one sentence.
Two maverick idea ninjas change the world one brief at a time.

What's the most important thing you've learnt in your line of work?
That you never stop learning. Even when you're a ninja.

What attracted you to your chosen field?
Dave: Getting paid to draw.

Tell us about your best project to date.
We're working on a viral independently for a friend at the moment, which will hopefully be the most exciting thing we've done to date. It's all for a good cause and could potentially turn into something really big. Watch this space...

What sets you apart from your competitors?
We're good little workers with nice ideas.

Tell us a random fact about yourself.
Ross: I ate peanut butter sandwiches pretty much every day throughout primary AND secondary school. Dave: I'm allergic to nuts and nearly died eating a bread roll containing traces in New York once.

If you could work on any project for any company/organisation, what would it be and who would it be for?
Dave: Anything for Save The Orang-utans. Ross: Anything for Girls Aloud.

What's your favourite bit of kit?
Ross: The 89-'92 Norwich City 'kit that Asics made - it's a classic. Dave: Quick drying markers.

What frustrates you the most about your job?
Ross: The politics.

What pearl of wisdom can you offer to someone thinking about starting out in your industry?
Dave: Network.

If you could have ONE super power, what would it be?
Ross: Flying, definitely. Dave: Time travel. But I wouldn't be working in advertising if I could travel through time.

What do you like about Creativepool?
It's totally dedicated to creative folk like us and gives young creatives a chance to get noticed.

What's your favourite song of all time?
Ross: On The Ball City.

And finally, what can a prospective customer expect from you?


If you want to be in the spotlight, email us with examples of your work or a link to your Creativepool profile.


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