
Spotlight - Naomi Ryder - Textile Designer and Illustrator



"I try my hardest to be the best at what I do."

Creativepool meets Naomi Ryder, Textile Designer and Illustrator, to talk about innovative designs, beloved sewing machines and standing out from the crowd.


How long have you been working as a textile designer/illustrator?

I have always loved drawing and working with fabric but have been taking it seriously as a business for three years.


Describe your work in one sentence.

Attempting to create beauty, inspired by mundane routines.


What attracted you to your chosen field?

I did a textiles degree following my long-held passion for drawing and painting. I returned to textiles after rediscovering beautiful fabrics whilst working for fashion designers. I came to realise that I could draw hard line drawings and place them on fabrics.


Who inspires you and why? 

I love the painter Alex Katz. He paints wonderful portraits of his friends and family in New York. They are quite simple and graphic in style but the character of the person comes across very well and the detail he uses for clothes is lovely.


Tell us about your best project to date.

I loved working for Domino records, as I am a great fan of a lot of the label's bands. Right now I am delighted with my current personal project - making patterns in Photoshop from my embroidery pieces in digital print.


What do you think sets you apart from your competitors?

I try my hardest to be the best at what I do. My work has a naivety and unique humour that people respond well to.


What pearl of wisdom can you offer to someone starting out in your industry?

Choose one thing and study it, practise it then do it well. Get your work seen, be nice to people, complete your work by deadlines and opportunities are more likely to come.


*What do you think is the biggest challenge facing Artists like yourself?

Establishing your name and getting people to see your portfolio rather than just your website. Finding work generally can be a long process to build up relationships.


What's the most important thing you've learned in your work?

Always aim to excel at whatever project you undertake. Try not to follow trends - if you have to follow them, make sure you have a good reason for doing so.


What frustrates you the most about your job?

Having to market myself to get work and do my own taxes.


Tell us a random fact about yourself.

I am good at the hula-hoop - I put on shows for my friends!

What's your favourite bit of kit or program to use for your work?

I just love my Apple Mac - even though it's going to die soon - and my beloved sewing machine, of course.


If you could have ONE super power, what would it be?

I would be super smart with a never-ending memory.


What can a prospective customer expect from you?

I always love the challenge of working to briefs. I am professional, loyal and dedicated to keeping both clients and myself happy.


What do you like about Creativepool?

I think the job section is wonderful and I love the on-site resources.


And finally, if you could work on any project for any company or organisation, what would it be and who would it be for?

The list is endless! I would love to design an interior range for Habitat, a range of loungewear with Agent Provocateur or a luggage range with Samsonite.



See Naomi's work

If you want to be in the spotlight, email us with examples of your work or a link to your Creativepool profile.

Words: Miranda Dickinson


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