
Spotlight - Karl Maddix - 3D Artist





Inspiration comes from everywhere, films, music. I'm a science geek too so I try to put that to some use.


Karl MaddixDescribe your work in one sentence.
The desire to create is too strong for me to resist and if I didn't possess the artistic skills necessary to provide an outlet for this desire, I would quite probably just explode.


What's the most important thing you've learnt in your line of work?
You have to be willing to learn new things everyday if you want to stay relevant as an artist.


What attracted you to your chosen field?
I wanted to make my own monsters.

Karl Maddix









Tell us about your best project to date.
I made a short film based on an idea I had for a children's feature film called The Roboteers. The short won the "best animated film" award at the Marbella International Film Festival 2008 and is currently on a short world festival tour. I am now exploring various avenues in order to turn this into a feature film.

What sets you apart from your competitors?
My over-active imagination and passion to create original ideas set me apart from my competitors.

Karl Maddix


Tell us a random fact about yourself.
I was guitarist in a band years ago and Steve Lamacq played one of my songs on his radio show, he said he liked it!


If you could work on any project for any company/organisation, what would it be and who would it be for?
Pixar. Do I really need to give a reason?

Karl Maddix







Who inspires you and why?
Inspiration comes from everywhere, films, music. I'm a science geek too so I try to put that to some use


What's your favourite bit of kit?
ZBrush. It's just awesome.


What frustrates you the most about your job?
The technical stuff you have to do before you can get to the arty bits.


What pearl of wisdom can you offer to someone thinking about starting out in your industry?
Observation is your friend.

Karl Maddix


If you could have ONE super power, what would it be?
The power to know what really happened at Roswell.


What do you like about Creativepool?
The fact that they noticed me when others didn't.


What's your favourite song of all time?
Toughie! Either Last Goodbye by Jeff Buckley or Paranoid Android by Radiohead. Depending on what mood I am in.


And finally, what can a prospective customer expect from you?
Passion and creative flair.


Karl's Blog
Company's Website
Karl is currently working on his new website which will be live soon so make sure you visit it!

If you want to be in the spotlight, email us with examples of your work or a link to your Creatiepool profile.


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